Lone Wanderer ENB Update

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This user's image description contains 8 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Purr4me
    • member
    • 83 kudos
    All of these shots here are 100% better than all the rest you have posted in the past. These.....Look like photos and real art works. these are worth Money. That is worth me getting involved. Getting to this level in an rpg game of this kind is astronomical and I can give you that. Well done. May I use them as my screen savers here? Megaton and the last shot here I might have kinkos blown up to wall size , a 5" x 3" painting size. That's how good they are. They blew me away ! thanks for sharing.

    1. lonewanderer518
      • member
      • 64 kudos
      Thanks Kitty- thats terribly flattering Please feel free to use my pics in what ever way you wish. I am very happy you like them.