Fallout 3
Anchorage reloaded - HQ

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The reloaded HQ in Anchorage is near ready...

Unique actors:
-Baldwin and Mathilda Lyons, Jada Cross(heroes from he Anchorage battle)
-Michael Bay, Dr. Dorian aka Judy or Dorothy(20 names changed in an interval)
-a grave digger, new heavy guards, generic soldiers

Simulation glitches:
Sometimes, american soldier are transformed in random actors or creatures, they can be near everyting from the game, from brahmins to hillfolk or aliens, they have the strangest leveled list, that you can imagine. They have special sandboxes with random animation of all types, generally buggy and strange animations. They can fly, sink in the ground, have random effects... The simulation is trying to remove the actor with strange ui messages and then kills them with an artillery strike :D

AI behaviours
All actors have unique ai packages, eg grave digger or doctor. Near every actor, the strike team and chinese soldiers are debuged, fixed and are working as expected. They can change to sandbox in an interval and all actors comes with full day and night cycle.
The player can use some special animations from Anchorage, you can see this in the screenshot.

-oven, lights and clutter in all barracks
-new outfits for grave digger, doctors and patients
-new cool black chinese commando outfit with hat
-all outfits(old an new ones) of Anchorage you can find in the armory
-new leveled outfit list for soldiers, patients and other actors
-idle markers, fire barrels, seats
-a little graveyard

Now, i have to test the battle field, that's why i have added Michael Bay to the HQ ;)
Some features:
-up to 15 soldiers with random equipment as configurable enforcements in the terminal, refreshed on every part of the battle
-more enforcement you have, more bad ass enemys are spawning in waves(eg. the new chinese commando heavy, dogs, snipers or rocketeers)
-spawn points for Chimeras and Vertibird landings(with three heavy specialists)(more than 20 triggers)
-Vertibird landings as deco without soliders
-ammo boxes reacting to the spawn level, disabled on first use
-new health kits(rare, but reacting to the spawn level)

My first goal is not difficulty, but an epic and immersive battle made for current hardware.
And i can play it on my three years old pc, even with 15 soldiers and the vanilla ones as followers(because i have reworked all vanilla noob scripts to have maximum performance).
On the highest level, only in the direction of the Chimera depot, you can have up to hundred chinese soldiers, 20 heavys, 5 Vertibird Landings and three Chimeras. This depends on the way you are playing. Every spawn trigger disables the others and all spawn points are depending on GetActorsInHigh to maintain performance. Actors are spawned in small waves, until a new spawn point is triggered.