Wasteland Troopers

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This user's image description contains 9 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos

    Oh, this was awesome, Ben! Waiting with great anticipation to see more!
  2. dakkafex
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    dude, that's one cool comic you've got here. Looking forword to the next pages
    1. Benbenben
      • premium
      • 113 kudos
      Thanks Dakkafex
  3. oOtailspinOo
    • account closed
    • 15 kudos
    Ha! Planet Dirt hehehe... awesome stuff. Where did you get those speech bubbles? I could really use them. Care to share?
    1. Benbenben
      • premium
      • 113 kudos
      Sure thing: I just used paint.net
      There is probably an easier way to make speech bubbles but this is how I do them.
      - Step 1: Add a layer and write the text on it.
      - Step 2: Add another layer and put it under the text's layer. Put a filled shape (bubble or square) with brush size 10 around the writing.
      - Step 3: With brush size 4 do a couple of lines to form the arrow, then fill it with white using the little paint bucket symbol.
      - Step 4: Trim up the entrance of the bubble with a bit of white. I like to zoom in a little for this bit as I always splash the brush where it's not needed... Thank goodness for the undo button.
      The great thing about doing the bubbles and text on separate layers is; I can move them around with a bit of 'cut and paste' and fix up my inevitable spelling mistakes as I go. Though I always make sure to leave at least one spelling mistake... Completely intentionally.
      Thanks for reading