Fallout 3
Canterburry Bar

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I'm working on a generic bar system, at the moment in Canterburry. You can activate or deactivate the whole bar with a switch.
This is a part of my overhaul, but i don't like tons of option files. To not interfere with other mods, i'm doing this with a switch.
-a bar keeper and a bar maid with own behaviours
-deco, radio, idle markers
-a vendor machine, where you have to pay for a cold Nuka Cola :)

Several sytems are envolved. All my friendly encounters have a special packagage, that makes them visit the bar, when you are entering one.
All towns have a special spawn of visitants, most of them enabled after a quest or three investions in CC.
Some diners or Tennpenny exterior have a special bar spawn point with adventurers, travellers or hunters.
The bar itself have triggers to send pets to a special pet marker outside or to send actors away from the bar keeper area.
Still not perfect, but 'm working on it. Especially with the navmeshes, i hate the f*** up tools to edit navmeshes.

WastelandWarrior Overhaul