Beretta 90two and 96 A1

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  1. Auslander66
    • supporter
    • 81 kudos
    OMG, these are gorgeous! O.O
    1. prensa
      • supporter
      • 293 kudos
      Auslander66 - Hello!

      Thank-you kindly!

      I've just finished the box for the Beretta 90Two & 96A1 today, should be able to knock up an .esp pretty quickly.

      I hope to upload soon-ish. Keep being side tracked by other models.

      Also trying to figure out how to offer the fitted with TLR-1 versions in game.


  2. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 358 kudos
    These look great Prensa! Sorry I'm not saying more, I was sick all of last weekend and still rushing to catch up with life and the Nexus.
    1. prensa
      • supporter
      • 293 kudos
      Brigand231 - Hello!

      "These look great Prensa!"

      Thank-you kindly!

      The Beretta 90Two came about as a direct result of your suggestion for the Beretta 96 A1.

      The Real 96 A1 actually uses much of the same design as the 90Two but with a more traditional style slide. So I figured & add another Beretta to the range.

      "I was sick all of last weekend"

      I'm sorry to hear that, hope you've fully recovered!

      Take care,


  3. Anoxeron
    • member
    • 63 kudos
    Hi Prensa !!! How about an 1851 Navy Colt revolver ? The finish and etching is Beautiful. Granted it's a process to reload. Might not stop a tank but would totally discombobulate an oncoming jeep. So where can I find the Beretta's ? Take Care Dear Prensa and Thank You as Always, Anoxeron
    1. prensa
      • supporter
      • 293 kudos
      Anoxeron - Hello!

      I'd like to do some classics like the Colt 1851 Navy but it's hampered by there not really being a suitable reload animation in Fallout 3 for it.

      I did make a Smith & Wesson Schofield as it's a top break reloader & there's an animation for that (the vanilla .32) in the game.

      The top break animation also meant I was able to make my favourite Webley Fosbery auto revolver.

      "So where can I find the Beretta's ?"

      I'm thinking of releasing the two Berettas pictured as a stand alone mod from the 9mm 92/M9/Cleric mod.

      Not sure which will be next as I've Deckard's gun & the Glocks as possible next releases too.

      Take care,

    2. Anoxeron
      • member
      • 63 kudos
      Hi Prensa !!! Just watched Blade Runner last night. It is still one of my favorites and Deckard's pistol is Very Cool. Really Love the realism and attention to detail that You achieve with Your firearms. Absolutely Looking forward to them !!! Be Well, Anoxeron P.s. How have I missed the Webley ?
    3. prensa
      • supporter
      • 293 kudos
      Anoxeron - Hello!

      "Just watched Blade Runner last night. It is still one of my favorites and Deckard's pistol is Very Cool."

      Yes that film still stands up.

      "Really Love the realism and attention to detail that You achieve with Your firearms. Absolutely Looking forward to them "

      Thank-you for the kind words!

      "How have I missed the Webley ? "

      I've not uploaded any of my Webleys yet.

      I did post an image of my Webley Fosbery with it's eight round speedloader a while back:

      Take care,

  4. H00V3RD8M
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    There is a shortage of good pistol mods for Fallout 3, and you fix that by uploading mods that contain various pistols of different make and models. I give you a 1-up
    1. prensa
      • supporter
      • 293 kudos
      H00V3RD8M - Hello!

      Thank-you kindly!

      I've always had an interest in weapons, especially hand guns.

      Funnily enough it was always more revolvers that I liked best, though it's been mainly semi automatics that I've got around to posting.
