Journal of Ash pt5

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  1. aramdol
    • supporter
    • 25 kudos
    interesting, I didn't think about zapping Moriarty with mesmetron. In my game he had a little accident with frag mine
    1. kmac1069
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Not bad. I've just found the mesmetron is the easiest way of getting rid of Moriarty without making the rest of the town hostile with me, because they are the ones who do my dirty work. I've also used the same trick on the two big vendors at Tenpenny Tower when my speech and lockpick aren't high enough to get rid of them.
  2. gmg2dave
    • supporter
    • 182 kudos
    Another good entry, I like how you describe her reaction to the different groups, and the way she realizes she is changing morally. Of course, with the number of raiders, super mutants, and assorted other nasties that all attack you on sight, it would be practically impossible to not be changed. And I see Talon Company has reared it's ugly head, hate those assholes. And using the Mesmetron on Moriarty, that is something I never thought of, sneaky and it worked. Don't feel so bad about that one Ash, if anyone deserved it, it's Moriarty.
    1. kmac1069
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Thank you. I'm glad you are enjoying it.