Fallout 3
The Walker Files 29K

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From The Personal Recollection Of Leanne Walker

His name was Fawkes.  Unlike most who got "changed" into Supermutants, he retained much of his original intelligence.  This was enough to mark him as "different" to the others, who shut him in one of the cells.  Given general Supermutant proclivities, this might have been done as an experiment or because it seemed hilarious to them or both.  He was fed often enough to stay healthy, and there was an active terminal in his cell that he learned much from, which helped him stay same.

Of his human self, he still recalls next to nothing.  I do note that he was wearing the remnants of an old 87 Vaultsuit when we first met and, most significanly, he knew what a GECK was, where to find it AND that this was probably what I was looking for.  Certainly, there was no other even remotely sensible reason why I would be in that Vault.

I'll admit to shock that a Supermutant would and could speak to me rationally.  Actually, not just rationally but in a polite, clear and very concise manner.  I'd heard rumours about 'Uncle Leo', a peaceable Supermutant supposedly roaming the DC Wastes, but never paid it much mind.  Meeting such a being personally was as surprising as having a Deathclaw sit down and talk.

Yes.  There were stories about THAT as well.

He understood my unease quite well, but still offered to take me to the GECK if I freed him.  After short consideration, I agreed.  Face it, what was one more Supermutant roaming around THIS place?  If he went for me upon being released, I'd drop him.  Simple.

The only means of opening his cell was by triggering an alarm that opened ALL cells in that area, meaning some Centaurs and that crazed Raider-guy also came out to play.  They made things exciting for a few minutes.  The fact that Fawkes was willing to beat down on Centaurs went some way to convincing me he was OK, since Supermutants typically like having those damn things around.  We made brief introductions, and then he led the way ...

Thinking on this, it is clear that Fawkes's ill-treatment left him with a lot of pent-up hostility.  He remains embarassed about that to this day, but I remain glad that he chose to express himself as he did, charging headlong into fights with several Supermutants we met along the way.  Early on, he acquired a Super Sledge and the way he used that on his foes was almost gleeful.

All in all, dern good for a guy who had spent Ghod-Alone-Knows-How-Long stuck in a cell, with nothing to do except calisthenics and reading.  I swear, he was using crazy fighting moves straight out of Grognak cartoons and old movies.  But, for him they mostly worked.  And when they didn't, there was still me.


I like Fawkes.


  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    I took the AmTrak from DC to Boston, I'm afraid. But, I'll keep an eye out for Zimmer for you and Harkness. Good read as always.
    1. 7thsealord
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      Thank you.

      A much nicer trip than in FO3's time, I'm sure. Then, it'd still be much nicer if one had to ride in the luggage compartment or on the roof the whole way.