Fallout 3
The Walker Files 29M

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From The Personal Recollection Of Leanne Walker

Something was holding me upright.   i was cold, had a massive headache, and felt like my entire body was about to cramp.  Drool from the corner of my mouth landed on my chest.  Tried shaking my head to clear it, only to find that whatever held me upright wouldn't even allow that small movement.  My vision focussed, very slowly.  So I could blink and move my eyes.  Great.

I was in a small bare room, held in some sort of force-field booth, and my Pip-Boy was all I was wearing.  I also had company which, when I recognized him, caused me to tense and growl.  Not like I could do much else.  It was THAT Enclave officer, the SOB who'd led the takeover of Project Purity, murdered Janice Kaplinski, and was there when Dad died (and how did HE survive?).  The same one who'd stood over me as I lay paralyzed in Vault 87 (and how the heck did he get THERE?).

He gazed into my eyes.  His expression was calm, his posture militarily correct - but both also screaming deep satisfaction and, yes, a dash of very real smugness.

"I am Colonel Augustus Autumn, commander of Enclave forces in this sector, and you, young lady, are in a great deal of trouble ... "

No kidding?  I said nothing as he continued.  " ... You raised and led an insurrection against the United States Government, murdered a .... considerable number of Enclave personnel, by action caused the deaths of many more, stolen or destroyed governmental property, misled others into disloyalty against their rightful Government .... The list goes on and on."  He leaned in for dramatic effect.  " ... So much so that a formal trial is unnecessary.  The multiple counts of High Treason alone justify whatever we do to you ... "

Wow, with all that, they'd probably build a brand-new prison just so I could be buried underneath it.  But I was still alive for a reason.  My voice was faint and scratchy, darnit. "Yet .... here I am .... "  And I smiled at the Colonel.

Well, I showed my teeth and the corners of my mouth went up.

He didn't take this well.  "We've read your father's notes and done some tests on you, Walker.  You're not even borderline human, like Wastelanders.  You're the crossbred daughter of a madman and an FEV freak, an abomination.  The Enclave knows how to deal with that .... "  He smiled abruptly.  " ... BUT we can be merciful to those who serve us well, even you.  Give the passcodes for Project Purity's systems, and I promise ..."

So, that was what they wanted.  Let his voice ramble on.  I had no illusions about Enclave hospitality whatever I did, OR of my ability to survive and/or withstand prolonged questioning.   But ... "Is that .... all?  Sure."  Having Interrupted Autumn's spiel, I mentally grabbed a number from I don't know where.  "1-7-7-6."

Autumn froze and then did a full double-take.  He certainly hadn't expected it to be this easy, but recovered well.  "A FOUR digit code?  Ah."  He sidled to the intercom.  "If this is wrong, you will regret it, Walker."  I smiled and nodded.  Not long now.

He gave the code to whomever was at the other end.  A short pause, then the screams and the yelling started, only to quickly fade away until there were just background sirens.  So the Purity Control Room had suffered yet another 'incident'.  See you in Hell, you b#####ds.

I prayed mentally.  'I'm sorry, Vickie, Gary, Bittercup, Jas and the rest of you Ghosts, my family.  It's all up to you now.'  Colonel Autumn spun towards me, his face pure rage as he drew his pistol and levelled it at my head ....


Yeah, we all know what's really about to happen.  Leanne didn't.

Pic - Type 3 Body.  In due and respectful deferance to Nexus requirements on nudity, certain body areas are thoroughly blacked out.

The comment is, well, think of what happens to the LW here, at the start of MS Zeta, with certain decisions made entering The Pitt, and even (sort of) in Point Lookout.  Have to figure that the situation would quickly get kind of old for the recipient.


  1. aramdol
    • supporter
    • 25 kudos
    oh yea that getting knocked out thing does get kinda old. Like "come on, how many times does my character have to be knocked unconscious? This is not a frat party"

    I kinda thought for a moment Leanne might be encouraging her body to move like toward the beginning of Kill Bill
    1. 7thsealord
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      Unsure what you mean by that last (then, I've seen that movie only once or, in bits, twice).

      At this point, what scares Leanne the most is what information the Enclave could force out of her under interrogation (read: torture). The LW might be tough, but she knows her limitations, after all. Goading Autumn into either summarily executing her (meaning she can't be made to talk) or, far less likely, into doing something extremely stupid, is about all she has left to try.
    2. aramdol
      • supporter
      • 25 kudos
      That makes sense.

      When I mentioned Kill Bill, I was thinking about the part where Beatrix was getting out of the hospital but could only crawl. When she got into the back seat of a car, she was trying to get her foot moving again while chanting "wriggle your big toe." Seeing Leanne checking her own mobility somehow reminds me of that.
    3. 7thsealord
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      Gotcha. Maybe if Autumn hadn't been right there in her face when she woke up ....