Fallout 3
The Walker Files 29o

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From The Personal Recollection Of Leanne Walker (Continued)

We had a full-on multi-directional argument going within ten minutes.  Somah had been locked up for months, and to say that she was angry about it would be a massive understatement.  She wanted Out Right Now - with a side-order of someone's blood.  LIeutenant Williams kept her at bay with his pistol, encouraging Somah to be simply loud and otherwise careful, whilst he unsuccessfully tried to calm things down.

My finding Nathan Vargas in the next cell didn't help Williams's cause.  It did get me madder though.  The poor old guy had not been obviously mistreated, beyond being locked up, but he was terrified and had lost any illusions about the Enclave.  "They're not who they say they are, get out while you can, before they get you too!" was the most he said to me in one go.  Someone else who wanted out in the worst possible way.

Finally, President Eden cut in to restore order, which silenced Lieutenant Williams, and made various onlookers at the end of the passageway hurriedly withdraw out of sight.  ".... Miss Walker, this was NOT part of our ... 'understanding'."  He didn't sound at all angry, just mildly reproving.

"True.  But I didn't know these people were here ... "  It's hard arguing with what is basically a disembodied voice.  I settled for addressing the nearest visible EyeCam.  " ... Somah and Nathan are coming with me-"

"I am afraid that is quite impossible", Eden said.  "I am in a restricted area, and those people are not permitted here under any circumstances ...."

Neither Somah nor Nathan were happy about this, figuring it would be back to the cells for them.  I had other ideas.  "You want a confab with me, Mister President?"  I deliberately used his title for the first time.  "I agreed to that.  But, if these people don't come with me, then give them survival gear and release them unharmed from this Base right now.  Otherwise, our deal is off."

A short pause.

Eden's voice returned, showing no frustration or annoyance whatsoever.  Amazing.  This guy must be one helluva poker player, I thought.  "Agreed, Miss Walker.  Lieutenant Williams will escort them outside, as per your request.  My solemn word that they will be freed unharmed.  I am now downloading directions to your Pip-Boy, for you to get to my office ... "  A Beep from my Pip-Boy confirmed receipt of data.  "Lieutenant Williams?  You will escort both of these individuals out of Raven Rock via Access Tunnel Three.  They will be given basic survival gear, and permitted to leave unharmed.  Have I made myself clear?"

Williams came to full attention.  "Yes, Mister President!"

Okay, Eden had stopped my very-likely execution - and then returned all of my gear, on no more than MY agreement to behave until we talked.  So, I'd also trust him on this one.  Not much choice, really.

"Done deal."  I turned to Somah.  "Take care of Nathan here, get him to Megaton alive, and I promise you caps and supplies.  Just follow Williams out and, I know it's tempting, but please don't shoot him unless..."

She grinned crookedly, and gave me a sort-of salute.  "Understood, kid.  Whatever happens, thanks for the fighting chance.  That's all we ever seem to get, eh?"

I nodded, made myself smile, and turned to Nathan.  He seemed to have calmed down a little, might even have picked up a clue about what was going on.  "Nathan?  You go with Somah and, hopefully, we'll get you home soon."

He nodded twitchily, "Thank you.  I want to go home ... He LIED to me.  Why did he do that?"

Right.  Nathan was only here because Megaton's resident Enclave spy used him as a 'mule' for urgent communications, or that had been our guess.  "Who did, Nathan?"

Nathan told me.  It was a surprise, but not a BIG surprise.  It made sense, thinking on it.  "Somah, change of plan, DON'T take him straight to Megaton.  Arefu is closer, and you can ask them to contact my people.  They'll pay you, if I haven't caught up."

"Got it."

I watched the three of them head off to this 'Access Tunnel Three', in more or less the opposite direction to what I would take.  Williams leading, nervously glancing over his shoulder with every step.  Somah next, with a glare that promised to burn a hole in Williams if he put a foot wrong.  Nathan tagging along close behind Somah, ready to jump at every shadow or loud noise.  Good luck, all of you.

Eden's voice came back.  "Time to go, Miss Walker."


Another view of Megaton, with DarkNight and Nebula Sky.


  1. aramdol
    • supporter
    • 25 kudos
    that picture is quite beautiful, almost like something magical out of fairy tale book.

    I thought I let Nathan out in my game, but he has not returned to Megaton. So...guess not. Now I am kinda itching to find out who the mole in Megaton is, lol.
    1. 7thsealord
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      It'll come, I promise

      I won't say I have left a bunch of obvious clues, because I haven't - just a hint here and there. But it should make sense when all is (eventually) revealed.
  2. Jokerine
    • account closed
    • 1,195 kudos
    Gorgeous night sky!
    1. 7thsealord
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      Thank you.