Fallout 3
The Walker Files 29T

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The following are the remnants of a Special Investigatory Report submitted to General Garfield Jackson, Acting Supreme Commander Enclave Armed Forces, shortly after the destruction of Raven Rock.  BOS teams recovered this file and others in a highly fragmented state from Adams Air Force Base in late 2082, during new construction there.

....  (W)ith such a degree of breakdown being utterly unprecedented in Enclave history, a re-examination of both security and emergency procedures may be well advised.  Certainly, reports from the few survivors is so fragmented as to be of little benefit.  Furthermore, the well-known mutual antagonism of the two senior surviving officers make their testimonies suspect, especially as regards claims about each other's conduct.

The main differances between the respective reports of Colonel Augustus Autumn and Lt-Colonel Boris Feldon can be summ-


-t either officer would seek to subvert or block the will of The President is unthinkable, and-


- Leanne Walker was being held at Raven Rock, and provably in the Presidential Centre when the base's self-destruct was triggered.  That she is directly responsible for the death of President John Henry Eden is ranked near-certain.  At the very least, she prevented his escape from Raven Rock.  In either case, further charges of High Treason seem entirely warr-


-of oppurtunity rather than premeditated, but given the heinousness of-


-not be denied.

However, of special interest is the group that assembled outside of Raven Rock. This comprised Walker, BOS Star Paladin Cross, Ghost operative Zhao Jiao, a Supermutant (origin unknown) and two former prisomers of ours - Nathan Vargas and Somah (files attached for all except the Supermutant).

It is likely that the group's actions were governed by simple necessity - the radio jamming field run from Satcom Array NW-05a presumably gained their attention and, given its closeness and the disarray of Enclave forces at that stage, investigation may have seemed logical.  It is also plausible that Walker gained access to classified data during her stay in Raven Rock, but-

[At around this stage, a sizable portion of the report seems to have been deliberately erased.  We can infer (later confirmed by certain events) that activities conducted at Satcom Array NW-05A were considered extremely sensitive.]

-tralization of the jammer, Walker then reestablished contact with her base.  As a result, we can confirm that the Verti-Bird captured by the Ghosts is now operational ....


Bye-bye, Raven Rock.  Fast-forwarding, just a little.