Fallout 3
The Walker Files 30D

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From The Galaxy News Radio Archives:

Hello-o-o, DC Wasteland.  It's ol' Triple Dog again, bringing the news that no one else will.

Been two weeks since the Enclave was booted out of the Jefferson by the Brotherhood Of Steel - with more than a little help from folks like our very own Potomac Alliance Militia, and from Walker's Ghosts.  Since then, times have been pretty darn interesting, with Liberty Prime roaming all over the DC area, stomping the Enclave into the dust.  The big guy is hard to miss, that's fer sure, and we're glad he's around, but at least now he aint doing the DJ thing on all radio channels as well.  THAT kind of competition, the GNR gang is happy not to have.

Hahahah.  But we love you, Liberty Prime, and any time you wanna come over for an interview and a quart of oil, just say the word.  Heheh.

Meantime, it's been busy at the Jefferson, fixing the water purifier.  The redoubtable Doctor Li and company, the Brotherhood, and a load of volunteers from all over the Alliance have been working hard, and the extra-good news is that final tests have been completed.  Project Purity will be firing on all cylinders by this time next week, and the water caravans are all set.  So be ready for them and remember that this stuff is FREE.  No kidding, and accept no substitutes.

Noting too, this is for EVERY settlement in DC, people,  The only places left out is anywhere dumb enough to shoot at these caravans or side with the Enclave, and that's a very short list.  As in, anyplace that's Talon Company - and that's all.
Not as good news is that Sara Lyons and Leanne Walker are both still in comas in the Citadel's infirmary.  Official word is that their conditions remain "unchanged", and I know we are all praying for them to be back on their feet soon.  Hey, you're missing out on the REAL fun now, ladies, so the Dog says WAKE UP!

Three Dog has also had the chance to talk with some people about what happened in the Battle, and there was a lot of heroism we hadn't heard of.  So just listen.

During the Battle, Lyons and Walker got into the Jefferson on their own, and settled the hash of the Enclave commander, one Colonel Gus Autumn, a real blackhat from all accounts.  They then found that the Purifier had been damaged, either by the Enclave's messing about or the battle itself, and was all set to explode.  Now, if THAT happened, not only would we be minus that whole place, but I hear we'd be talking serious Rads for everyone in DC for ...oh... the next two centuries.

Ehhhh-h-h.  As if the last two centuries weren't bad enough ...

Well, the rad levels inside were already lethal, but Sara and Leanne chose to stay and fix the problem, instead of running.  At the time, they could only think it'd be a one-way trip for them, people, so let's all take a moment to think about that.

... Yeah.  But what happened next?  Would ya believe the Ghosts have a SUPERMUTANT in their team?  I kid you not.  Name of Fawkes and, I'm told, a damn good guy.  He was at that battle, and when things at the Jefferson went south and the 'evacuate' order went out, he ran inside to rescue his friends.  Sure, sure, we all know Supermutants are Rad-proof but they aren't indestructible.  The big guy KNEW the place could explode any minute and he still went, so think on THAT, people.  He carried them both out at the same time.

If someone out there is giving out medals, ol' Fawkes should be getting a few.

The medics treated our heroes best they could, then one of the Ghosts, a little gal named Bittercup, dropped the Ghost's Verti-Bird into that mess for a pick-up, getting shot at by what was left of the Enclave the whole time.  Leanne, Sara and a bunch of other wounded were loaded up, and were over in the Citadel's infirmary in minutes.

They counted over twenty holes in that 'Bird afterwards.  I couldn't make this #### up if I tried, folks.

The BOS and the Ghosts are back in the Wastes, fighting the good fight while they wait for their leaders to recover.  At least now they have the Alliance Militia to lean on.

Speaking of the Militia, the Militia's very own Commander Reilly is on the air in a few minutes ....


Late again, and I'm sorry.

Pic - One of the Ghosts on guard, looking towards the Citadel in late afternoon.  Mods in evidence - 'Ghostarmor' and, slung on her back, a 'Vitor SBR'.


  1. aramdol
    • supporter
    • 25 kudos
    Makes sense it'd be Fawkes getting them out. When I started Broken Steel, I wondered how they got LW and Sarah out of that super irraidated place. So according to wiki, you can convince Col. Autumn to simply give up and leave at the Purifier. I wonder how many actually chose that route.
    1. 7thsealord
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      Done it myself a couple of tuimes, just for the heck of it.

      Frankly though, blowing the dude's head off (and hoping to back-flip what's left of him into the water) is much more satisfying. Then again, I'm not a very nice person.

      I note also that there is actually a 'Colonel Autumn' Companion mod on the Nexus.