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This user's image description contains 3 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. TesaPlus
    • premium
    • 70 kudos
    Cou-cou ... look who's here! ^_^

    Just yesterday I was thinking, Perhaps it's time to visit D.C. again.

    But I have purchased Skyrim at a bargain, so I am trying that one out. And what can I say: The reason I am here, enjoying your take on the wasteland's landscape is precisely, because, looking at rocks, landscapes, and roads, in Skyrim, I thought, hmmm, my Oblivion is looking way better, so, what's Lougian's take on this? -- -- As it turns out, alas, the master of Morrowind's & Oblivion's textures hasn't yet taken on TES 5.

    Since you're working on F3 instead, I'd do better stick around a bit in Tamriel before switching back to planet Earth's future. It's outlook has improved already, and I think I can make out old friends in your screenshots. ^^
    1. Lougian
      • premium
      • 376 kudos
      Nice to see you here. Thanks for the kind words, I'm happy you like my work !
      Well, seeing the number of good retextures available for the game, I didn't thought I'd make any mods for it. But still, I have made a landscape retexture for Skyrim for my personnal use, maybe I can share it with you if I cand find it.
      But yes, for now I'm working on Fallout 3, and I will release very soon my first mod.
    2. TesaPlus
      • premium
      • 70 kudos
      "... if I can find it ..." ^_^ Your hard drive must be a true treasure chest.

      I would very much like to see your Skyrim texture overhaul, but the thing is, I have got the "Special Edition" -- only very recently --, and, very surprising to me, texture packs are not neccessarily compatible. That's what I have experienced, and just now read on the loverslab forum.

      Anyway, it seems that conversions are coming in in a rush now. It's probably best when I go back to my photo-safari in Ubanga until the dust has settled a bit. ^_^
    3. TesaPlus
      • premium
      • 70 kudos
      OMG .. that's what you call very soon, like, yesterday ^___^
    4. TesaPlus
      • premium
      • 70 kudos
      **with all signs of the greatest despair** I can't find my Fallout3 DVD !!!

    5. Lougian
      • premium
      • 376 kudos
      I sure have a lot of unreleased/unfinished mods..
      Ah, I see ! I don't have the Special Edition, so I don't what changes were made. But if I have the time I could see how to do it.
      Arf, that's too bad about the CD.. Hope you'll find it !