Fallout 3
Fallout 3 - Best of the Rest - An Photo Album

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This user's image description contains 19 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. fredlaus
    • account closed
    • 194 kudos
    Right to the point with love. Thank you, Za1zeR.
  2. AmaccurzerO
    • premium
    • 761 kudos
    Beautiful pics. Thank you. Fallout 3 is definitely a very special and unique game. There is no other game to which I have dedicated more time than Fallout 3: playing it, modifying it and sharing my experiences and screenshots. Yes, Fallout will always be in my heart and in my memory forever too.
    1. Za1zeR
      • member
      • 35 kudos
      Thanks a lot. Yeah, FO3 is very special game. And like vine, it almost gets better as it ages. Especially because I get more, and more convinced that there will never be a Fallout like it again (or NV for that matter). Because of the direction Bethesda is moving with the franchise. The newer games just don't catch the same level of atmosphere that the old game(s) had imao. So this is just a kind of memento to what was, but will most likely never be again, as sadly as it is. For the memories!
    2. fredlaus
      • account closed
      • 194 kudos
      Wise words:
  3. deleted2702269
    • account closed
    • 30 kudos
    Thank you for that reminder!
    You have some really great pictures in that album, and I can see the passion you have for this game, because you put a lot of love in them. There is a wonderful atmosphere, and you showed a terrible world with all that precious little moments full of beauty.
    I enjoyed travelling through my memories to find all the places again, which I visited such a long time ago.
    Thanks a lot!
    1. Za1zeR
      • member
      • 35 kudos
      Thanks, and no problem, glad you like the pics. Wish I could share more. But these are all from my TTW version of FO3. Couldn't get the original to run very smoothly anymore. And deleted it, and forget all about the screenshots in there.Shame, - there was a lot of good once in there, before ENB and all that. But these ain't too bad either... ;)
  4. Sebastjin
    • premium
    • 88 kudos