Capital Zeta Idea

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Oh no, what idea has Mute got this time?

So basically. Replace common fallout 3 items with mothership zeta/space themed items. Here's some items I've already changed.
Fallout 3 base game is fairly simple and limited which makes including more space age items both easy and game changing in terms of combat and asethetic. Ill swap a few common items with replacers but I could also do some custom bilboards and clutter, Space Raiders perhaps. Tell me what you think!


  1. MuteSignals
    • premium
    • 173 kudos
    Mod is now avaliable for testing!
  2. MuteSignals
    • premium
    • 173 kudos
    26th January list of changes:

    Naval Table > Alien Naval Table
    Table01 02 > Alien Table & Alien Long Table
    MilkCarton > Alien Milk Carton
    officeshelfwoodsolid128a > alienofficeshelfwoodsolid128a

    Starting to find less "easy but plentiful" objects to edit. Metal Shelves are in 3 variants and around 2000 objects but will take sometime.

    Also, it seems that the male space suit has additional pockets I'm going to add to the female mesh too.
  3. MuteSignals
    • premium
    • 173 kudos
    25th January list of changes:

    Radaway > Radaway (Replacer)
    Ruined Books > Holotapes x8
    CoffeeMug > Alien Mug
    Fork > Alien Fork
    Wrench > Ratchet
    TeddyBear > Buttercup Toy
    DinnerPlate > DinnerTray
    Plate01 > Alien Plate
    Plate02 > Cosmic Plate
    Plate03 > Space Tray
    Drinkingglass > Astro Drinking Glass
    FissionBattery > Fission Cube
    Little Lamplight Lantern > Alien Lamp
    Little Lamplight Lantern (Standing) > Alien Lamp (Standing)
    Little Lamplight Lantern (Hanging) > Alien Lamp (Hanging)
    Spork > Space Spork
    Chair03 > Alien Chair
    SubChair > Alien Sub Chair x9?
    Diner Table01 03 > Long Alien Table
    Diner Table02 04 & Round Table > Round Alien Table
  4. MuteSignals
    • premium
    • 173 kudos
    24th January list of changes:

    Stimpaks > Biogel
    Steam Gauge Assembly > Space Gauge Assembly
    Clipboards > Alien Clipboards
    Prewar Money > Crystals
    Police Baton > Electric Baton
    Small Energy Cells > Space Power Module
    Laser Pistol > Atom Atomiser
    Plasma Pistol > Space Blaster
    Mircofusion Cell > Astrofusion Cell
    Laser Rifle > Space Disintegrator
    Plasma Rifle > Space Disrupter
    Colonel Autumn's Uniform > Colonel Chase's Uniform
    Combat Armor > Winterized Combat Armor
    Combat Helmet > Winterized Combat Helmet
    Radiation Suit > Astronaut Suit
    Advanced Radiation Suit > Advanced Astronaut Suit
    WonderGlue > Space Epoxy
    Leather Armor > Space Armor
    TinCan01 > Empty Epoxy
    TinCan02 > Bent Empty Epoxy
    MetalBox01 > alienbox01
    Crate > alienbox01
    HotPlate01 > Cosmic Hot Plate
    Leadpipe > Cosmic Pipe
    Spoon > Space Spoon
    BigSpoon > Big Space Spoon
    • supporter
    • 24 kudos
    yes! do it, DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!