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About this mod

Adds several makeshift melee weapons to a table outside of Silver's house.

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UPDATE 12/28/2013: Recently featured on qenosa's top 100 Fallout 3 mods at a humble #98. Was tickled pink and thinking of putting a little more work back into this mod, once I remember how the heck the G.E.C.K. works again.

Adds several makeshift melee weapons to a table outside of Silver's house.

The Double-edged Knife: two combat knives glued together at the handle. Faster and more powerful than the normal combat knife (1.5 hit rate and 14 dmg), and has the same crit chance as Stabhappy. Looks mildly silly while in the "holster".

Spiked Pin: A bunch of switchblade blades slapped on a rolling pin. Inspired by the studded clubs from Oblivion. A humble 18 dmg, and the ability to knock over enemies if a critical hit occurs.

Sledgestabber (or Tenderizer, or Spiked Sledgehammer): A Sledgehammer that was REALLY made for tenderizing. Thinking about just swapping it out for the actual Tenderizer ingame.

Broken Mannequin: It may be useless now fashion-wise, but now it's more lethal! Possibly just stolen from a store somewhere.

Street Sign: Where's the fun in only driving 50mph? Fight the law! (or incidentally use this to force the law on others.)

These are all located on a nifty table outside of Silver's house, AKA the "Small Ranch", AKA the Springvale Bandit House.

This is my first mod, but I'm not really afraid of constructive critism so don't be afraid to tell me this mod is pretty junky (it kind of is.) In the future I hope to make more makeshift weapons, and to have them be acquired by schematics rather than finding them.

Notes: The Spiked Pin uses switchblades to repair it, because rolling pins are so scarce. The Broken Mannequin and Street Sign both use Pool Cues for repair, because that's what I used for a base.

Requirements: Only Fallout 3. I only used vanilla meshes to make these two things.

Bugs/conflicts: Not as far as I know. It's too simple to have any bugs.