About this mod
Use multiple HUD altering mods at the same time, without the hassle of manually editing xml files.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This mod is no longer supported or recommended. I recommend using UIO - User Interface Organizer instead. It does the same thing and is much easier to use :)

Update 1.8
Added support for:
JIP Selective-Fire
JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating
JIP Companions Command and Control
JIP Fast-Travel Anywhere with Random Encounters
Thank the mod author himself for adding support for those :)
Many great mods are now out with lots of cool HUD icons and effects. They really enhance the gameplay and help remove a lot of the Pipboy hopping that slows the game down. But they all face the same problem in the game engine they use. The only two ways to add these HUD elements are:
1) Replace the main HUD file with one custom made for the mod, which unfortunately deletes any HUD effects added by another mod.
2) Ask the user to manually modify the menu xml, which a lot of users are uncomfortable doing.
The aim of this mod is to automatically build a menu HUD file that includes ALL the elements of your favourite mods, without the hassle of manually editing xml files.
This is currently working with the mods I happen to use right now. Obviously there will be a lot more that people will need so post in the comment section with links to HUD mods you would like to see supported by this utility.
User Interfaces currently supported
ALL. The main menu HUD is not replaced, but rather a single include added to whatever UI you use.
Mods currently unified
1. Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision.
2. Advanced Recon Range Finder.
4. IMCN - Imps More Complex Needs.
5. Powered Power Armor.
6. Jetpack Mod.
7. Selective Fire.
8. Helmet POV.
9. FWE - Overhaul Kit_Iron Sight BETA v2_2.
10. Darns support for FWE 6-02.
11. Arwen Realism Tweaks.
12. Ambient Temperature.
13. Stimpak Counter.
14. Dynamic Crosshair.
15. Directors Chair - Total Visual Control Device.
16. PIMP - Pip-Boy Integrated Medical Package Mk VI
17. JIP Selective-Fire
18. JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating
19. JIP Companions Command and Control
20. JIP Fast-Travel Anywhere with Random Encounters
Compatible with
Pretty much everything. Please contact me if you find something you suspect is conflicting. But please do not ask me before hand. Try it and tell me.
How it does this
The Unified HUD Project fomod is a scripted installation process that adds a single (includes_HUDMainMenu.xml) file containing a list of all the HUD includes for all unified mods.
As long as you deactivate, and then activate the Unified HUD Project after you install or uninstall a new mod, it will keep all your HUD elements working together.
Reasons I made this mod
I have a few mods with HUD elements, and it is one of the more common requests that I make them compatible with other popular mods. It is also one of the areas most often causing problem for people new to modding their games, and so I felt it was something that might be useful.
NONE. None of the user chosen mods, and none of the automatically handled mods. Well obviously you need any mods you attempt to unify.
You should install this mod using the Fall Out Mod Manager (FOMM) or the Nexus Mod Manager (NMM).
Note to authors of mods supported by this mod
Thanks to MGE we have a banner that can be used by any supported mod.