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Created by

Ghanima Atreides

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About this mod

Functional, realistic, lore-friendly player home at the Brotherhood of Steel Citadel. Easy to reach and companion-friendly!

Permissions and credits

One thing I've always missed in the game was a player home at the Citadel, that's easy to reach, private, and blends in with the rest of the Citadel's layout. Eventually, I've learned enough about the GECK to make my own, so this is it!

It is a small, self-contained one room-apartment the Brotherhood kept for important visitors (which, all things considered, the Lone Wanderer qualifies as) furnished with most everything one would need to live. Don't expect luxury - after all, you won't find it anywhere else in that place. Expect, however, the best the Citadel has to offer.

My aim was to create a cozy, "lived-in" apartment, not overly cluttered but not empty either, with everything a basic player home needs.

Update 2-1-2012

It has been brought to my attention that the bathroom door clips into the sink and first aid box, making accessing them a hassle. Therefore, I uploaded a version where the door opens into the room, rather than the bathroom, thus preventing the clipping.

Update instructions:

If your character has visited the apartment while you were using the old file and you want the flipped door, first move them/everything out, SAVE, quit the game, deactivate the mod, go BACK the game, SAVE, quit once more and re-activate the upgraded file. Otherwise the changes won't stick.


Sorry for the hassle, but it's the way the game works.

Thanks kasugurami for testing and letting me know.



-Plenty of storage to keep your gear

-Player bed which gives a "well rested" bonus


-A number of supplies including some ammo, food and books (you won't find expensive/overpowered gear here, though!)

-Fully navmeshed, so companions can follow you inside and move around

-Since I hate going through multiple loading screens to reach my homes, the door can be accessed from the Citadel courtyard and it's at the top of a short flight of stairs next to the Lab entrance (look at the reference picture for the exact location)


Place the .esp in your C\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout 3\Data folder (or similar, depending on your system), enable it with FOMM or the Launcher.

Delete to uninstall.

Only base game assets have been used, so everyone should be able to play it. I've tested it myself of course, but do let me know if there are any issues.


This is the first mod I've ever uploaded publicly, so I'd love to hear what you think :)