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About this mod

a much better outpost rather than my old one

Permissions and credits
why did i create another one?? well someone brought it too my attention that the location of my other mod was in a compatibility quarel with a bunker. in that it was on the same spot as the bunker mod. so instead of relocating everything , i simply made a new outpost.
Require all dlc's and ofcourse DCRangerArsenal Mod by HideosCircus.
If your upgrading this with an update , you must first uninstall the version you have before you get the update. But if your just now getting this mod then just get the latest update.
If you are getting red triangles all over the stuff in the has to do with hideoscircus mod not mine.
Step 1 : after you download the DC Ranger arsenal mod you to extract it to the fallout 3 folder.
Step 2 : next you need to go to The DCRA file u just extracted and go to meshes, there will be two folders,hideoscircus and projectiles. Go into the hideoscircus folder.
Step 3: copy and paste the meshes from that folder into your fallout 3 meshes folder.
after that you should be good to go.
(((Suggestions on what to add or anyways that i could make this mod better are more than welcome :)))))