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About this mod

A complete overhaul of the urban battleground. More enemies, more cover, fight on rooftops, enemies set up FOBs, choose a tactical strategy or go in guns blazing, enemy camps are now strongholds. Made with FWE in mind. This is the way Urban Warfare was meant to be played.

Permissions and credits
Author's Note: I just wanted to say thank you to the Nexus community for the support and feedback and suggestions. I'm happy that everyone is enjoying UCO and I'm continuing to tweak it and add features and locations to this mod to make it the best it can be. Version 1.1 is currently being tested out on a new character and will be available within a week as of 6/27/13. Thanks again everyone!
*UCO V1.1 is live! Grab the new FOBs version and Optional "UCO-The Mall" file. I am currently working on V1.1 for the "UCO-More Enemies" file and a special little treat as well ;).*

- U. C. O. -
Ever wander around the Wasteland and waltz into a raider camp that was occupied by a measly 4 raiders? How about the fact that you could just stroll right in without any obstacles in your way? Or how about looking at rooftops in urban environments and thinking "That'd be a great spot to snipe from." Or maybe you just hate being a bullet sponge and want to tactically confront your enemies by taking cover and finding flank routes.


Welcome to Urban Combat Overhaul (or UCO for short). This is my attempt to make combat in Fallout 3 more engaging, more tactical, more exciting, and even more challenging. Here's how:

-enemy camps are now strongholds. No longer will you be surprised that 2 raiders managed to take over an entire ruin! This means more enemies for you to kill and be killed by.
-More cover! Let's face it, there's nothing to hide behind when the bullets start to fly in vanilla Fo3 and it's for good reason (the place got nuked for crying out loud.) But what about the current denizens establishing cover? Sandbags, junk walls, sheet metal, tires, whatever it may be, it'll keep you from being torn apart by a .44.
-Rooftop combat! You never really have a tactical advantage in vanilla Fo3, but with UCO, you do! You can rain death from rooftops as your squad moves in on the streets below.
-Realism. Enemies now have set up FOBs (forward operating bases) meaning their radius of control is much larger. They won't all be clustered together in a camp. You'll have to take out these guys first if you want to punch through the lines. Enemies have put up barricades to block access to their strongholds. Now you have to think tactically to how you approach each situation. You can no longer just waltz in to a camp. You must find flank routes, go underground, or even battle from the rooftops to take out the bad guys. And with FWE installed, UCO packs a deadlier punch. Bullets do more damage, enemies are more varied and the AI is smarter and much more lethal. I HIGHLY recommend to install FWE in conjunction with UCO.

So far, the only areas that UCO covers are as follows (more will be added to the list as updates come): Fairfax Ruins, a small part of Georgetown, the Mall, Bethesda Ruins, the Red Racer Factory, and the Talon Company HQ (the unmarked location not the Fort).

Please upload screenshots of your UCO experience and story! I'd love to hear/see people's varied experiences using my mod.


I'm open for suggestions to expand UCO's reach. Perhaps you have a feature you'd like implemented or maybe a location you'd like UCO to cover. Whatever it is, let me know!


I designed UCO to be as low impact as possible so I made it modular. You'll need to download the core UCO file and then any optional esps (more enemies, FOBs, etc.) I recommend downloading all files and playtesting and tweaking to your liking for an optimal experience.


Leaps Of Skyrim

The Hole In The Wall- Thief Hideout

The Mage's Gorge

Hunter's Abode- The Lodge

Dragonborn Hall