About this mod
Replaces Albino Radscorpions with Yao Guai Alphas, for those that do not prefer scorpions.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Requirements: Green = Required Orange = Optional
- Fallout3.esm
- Anchorage.esm
- ThePitt.esm
- BrokenSteel.esm
- PointLookout.esm
- Zeta.esm
Replaces Albino Radscorpions with Yao Guai Alphas, for those that do not prefer scorpions.
Uses vanilla model, replaces Albino Radscorpions in leveled lists and at unique spawn points.
Yao Guai Alphas are balanced to be equal threat of scorpion. Alphas are faster compare to non Alphas. Can be difficult to kill these at low levels.
Install Directions:
Place AlbinoRadscorpion_YaoGuai_replacer.esp in Data folder and place check mark next to .esp in FOMM or NMM.
This was requested on forums, now the request is complete.

If you like mod - please leave comment and endorse!
It is a simple mod and I do not know much, but I do what I can to help, enjoy.
Bugs & Compatibility Issues:
- None found/reported.
Please report any problems encountered.
- Bethesda Studios
Only vanilla assets were used
My other mods: [Only a few listed here]