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About this mod

Small tweak for people who want to use Millenia's gun textures in a FWE-scale Fallout 3 game.

Permissions and credits
If using the Millenia gun retextures, there's a good chance that the stats for the guns will also be overwritten. This tweak files is intended to come after the Millenia mods, and overwrites the stats to have the basic FWE (Fallout Wanderer Edition) stats despite the texture change.

It covers :
- the S&W M10 reskin of the .32 revolver
- the combat shotgun replacer
- the AK-47 replacer for the Chinese assault rifle
- the C96 Mauser replacer for the Chinese pistol
- the AKS-74U

Since it's a new weapon and not a replacer, the AKS-74U is a required master for this mod.

This mod in itself doesn't include any of Millenia's assets, it just restores FWE game stats.

Design notes :
- This mod restores the UPDATED Unofficial Patch fixes for Charon's shotgun that can be overwritten by Milenia's mods
- The .32 pistols retain their longer reload/jamming time to fit the model change
- In close quarter battle the AKS-74U is somewhat superior to its larger relative the Chinese Assault Rifle (higher ROF, easier to handle in VATs) but at long range it is clearly inferior (less accurate, less range)
- This mod does NOT restore the ability to Weapon Mods Kit the weapons whose appearance has been changed, since that would require much more thorough changes in meshes and textures rather than simple stats restoration.

This mod was made as part of the discussion for the Clear And Present Danger Fallout 3 STEP modding guide .