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About this mod

Every wondered into your cozy little home in Megaton and felt it missed something? No. Oh.. Well. Have a bathroom! Every wanted to show off your items in a bathtub to make you feel good about yourself? Or maybe just take a dump? Or even just wash yourself? Well now you can do all of these things!

Permissions and credits
Ever thought that it's unfair that the Tenpenny Tower suite has a bathroom but the Megaton house doesn't? Have you considered nuking Megaton just to get a bathroom? Well, now you don't have to!

I always thought it was a bit annoying that the Megaton house didn't have a bathroom so I added one! It is on the left when you first enter the main room. This mod doesn't change anything else in the house, it only adds an extra room and as such should be compatible with most mods. It is also compatible with themes. 

I have also created a patch for The Lone Wanderer Theme mod, it's available to download now!

Happy Hunting Bathing! Don't forget to endorse!

Try my other mod:
Shifty the Molerat 2
Johanna the Follower 2
... and others!