About this mod

Babyboomer's Safe contains a new weapon type: The Mortar Gun, its quest to find it and a new area in the D.C. ruins

Permissions and credits
To help you through the last weeks to Fallout 4, have a new weapon! Install this mod, play the mini quest and enjoy your new mortar gun!

The Safe introduces Court House Square to the game, a new location with several combat encounters and two new weapons.
To help you find it I added a quest starting at the Vault 101 marker. Complete the story (20 min), grab your new mortar gun and have fun.

Aim high! Fire plenty! Make or find new ammunition, repeat!

  • 1 New quest
  • 2 New areas
  • 1 New Mortar Rifle
        o  Ammunition can be found throughout the Wasteland
        o  Ammunition can be crafted

                §  Blueprints can be found during the quest, and bought from two vendors
  • 1 Adjusted Chinese Rifle
        o  Higher firing rate, but shoddier shots!
        o  Use existing ammunition types
If you have any feedback, please send it my way!

Installation Instructions:
Version 1.5.3
Simply add the plug-in to your Fallout 3 Data folder, load it up and have fun!

The Mortar weapon may seem overpowered, and difficult to aim with at first glance, but has a reasonable amount of balance.
You will find abbundant ammunition for the weapon, and may craft additional ammunition should you want to use it more often. In exchange? The weapon is intended to be unwieldy, requiring you to blanket the enemy in explosives.

The intent of the weapon is for you to try something new, and have fun with it. Let me know how that went.
... And fire in high arcs! For goodness sake

Known Bugs & Issues
  • The Mortar Gun refuses to work with VATS.
  • Court House Square does not have a functioning LOD on its backdrop. Decorations will pop in
  • Rusted Trust shows as having a DPS over 600. It is closer to 60.
  • The Mortar Gun takes getting used to.
o.Hence the extra ammo...

Feedback is welcome!