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About this mod

This mod adds a fully voiced companion, Johanna, to the game.

Permissions and credits
This mod is my successor to Johanna The Follower, which adds a companion called Johanna. She can be found in Moriarty's Saloon! As mentioned on the original mod, I made this mod originally following some crappy mod tutorial; it was buggy, poorly made and relied on another mod. This mod isn't exactly well made (despite the amount of mods I've made, I'm a pretty shoddy modder- not that it will affect your game negatively in any way though) but it gets the job done. It would be wrong not to mention that she is part of a trio: me, her and Shifty!

This sequel includes these changes:

  • Buffed stats so she doesn't die quickly
  • Nerfed her rolling pin so it isn't OP
  • Gave her a voice (it's robotic, just chalk it up to radiation exposure)
  • Added a backstory that she will tell you about

I have posted this as a seperate version to the original as nobody would even notice the update (even though just mod is only really on here for myself to download at a later date). If you do download, I hope you enjoy, happy trails :D

Don't forget to to endorse!

Check out my other Fallout 3 mod:
Added bathroom to Megaton House
Shifty the Molerat 2