About this mod
Adds a charming scavenger companion, along with a small quest.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Russian
- Mandarin
- Changelogs
- Donations
The incredibly talented Lovelit has given Scratch a voice!
We are, however, currently working on acquiring a real voice actor!

(Art by me!)
- Fully functional companion, with all the expected features.
- A small quest that rewards you with your own copy of Scratch's unique weapons.
- A whole new interior zone, located near Mama Dolce's factory.
- Over 200 lines of dialogue. No voice acting, but Scratch can refer to the player character by name.
- An armour switching system, activated via dialogue, which features four made-to-measure outfits.
- Literal MINUTES of content!
Scratch can be found just north of the Super Duper Mart, scrounging for scrap under a bridge.
If you're using Vortex/Mod Organizer 2, it should be as simple as clicking download and installing.
To install manually, extract the contents of the JNCompanionScratch into your fallout 3/data folder.
To uninstall, delete JNCompanionScratch.esp, along with the JuicyNuggins folders located in data/meshes and data/textures.
Thanks for reading this far! This is my first 'proper' mod, and I'm really happy to be finally uploading it. This has been one of those 'things I've been meaning to do forever but never getting around to it'. But now I've done it!
I really adore Scratch. She's been a Fallout OC of mine for a very long time, and I felt like she'd be a perfect candidate for a companion. I'm no writer by any stretch of the imagination, but I tried really hard to bring this character to life, and I hope you like her as much as I do.
This mod doesn't have any additional requirements (except possibly FOSE), however, there are a few mods that will enhance your experiences through the wasteland with Scratch!
MG's Neat Clutter (We all deserve the highest quality plungers.)
Plunger Launcher (I mean, yeah.)
kiwi82mx (Armour, body and other assets)
The CotW Team (Armour, body and other assets)
nivea (Armour assets)
thatguy10 (The light armour hoodie)
Bu11etUK (Helpful YouTube tutorials)
Seddon4494 (Even more helpful YouTube tutorials)
Bethesda (Made Fallout 3 I guess)
My bestie who shall remain anonymous (helped me test the mod!)
If you spot your handiwork here and I haven't credited you, PLEASE let me know!!
Note from the author: It has come to my attention that there are some extremely inappropriate mods using these assets out there. I am ONLY affiliated with this mod and its New Vegas port.