This is my attempt to improve the appearance of NPCs in Fallout 3. I have redesigned their facial structure to make them look more realistic and to better fit their personality. This removes the awkward skin tones and facial structures of vanilla FO3.
Other user's assetsSome assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
Upload permissionYou can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
Modification permissionYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
Conversion permissionYou can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
Asset use permissionYou are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
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Fallout 3 Redesigned - Formerly Project Beauty HD - Spanish
Version 2.75
Added facegen EGT files to prevent mismatched face color
Merged DLC plugins into Project Beauty.esm in order to load facegen EGT files for DLC characters
Version 2.74.4
remove out of scope changes to inventory and AI
decompress all npc records for better performance
Version 2.74.3
Repackaged mod for better mod manager compatibility. Compatibility patches are now separate downloads.
Version 2.74.2
Repackaged mod: optionals and compatibility included in main download
Version 2.74.1
Added UUF3P fixes
Version 2.74
reverted dukov and brianna to vanilla
integrated the beta designs from 2014
Version 2.73.1
-repackaged files for NMM compatibility
-compressed textures:
HD version - compressed:, many hairs,
standard version - compressed:,
-updated FOOK2 patch
This mod is (as of January 28, 2023) is open-source. You are free to edit, reupload as you wish. (Edited on January 28, 2023)
This mod just makes people look more realistic. Often you can tell that the game developers were rushed with some of the designs but I gave it a lot more thought and time with each of the designs.
We recommend using Vortex to install mods. If you aren't using Vortex, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make sure you are correctly installing mods and have properly configured your game for modding (for example: addressing archive invalidation if installing manually)
Choose either the HD Edition or the Standard Edition of Fallout 3 Redesigned. The HD Edition features new high resolution skin textures, eyelashes, and a couple custom hairstyles in addition to the redesigned faces of the Standard Edition.
Using Vortex, download and install whichever version you chose.
If you want to use any compatibility patches, download and install them with Vortex.
Activate Project Beauty.esm and any other plugins you wish to use.
This mod will conflict with most mods that edit NPCs. If you try to use Redesigned along with another mod that edits NPCs, you will either miss Redesigned's faces or the other mod's changes. Because Redesigned is cosmetic and doesn't impact gameplay, it is suggested that you put our plugins very early in your load order. This is so that in the event of a conflict, Redesigned will be overridden and won't interfere with your gameplay-affecting mods.
Patches have been made for the following popular mods:
Advanced users may find a preferable solution in using Wrye Bash to create a Bashed Patch. The "Import Faces" function will resolve most conflicts with Redesigned. Users of our HD Edition should use the "Import Races" function as well.
The Standard Edition will work with most body mods, because it pretty much only changes faces. It should work with Dimonized Type 3, Malos, Type V, etc. But it will not work with other face mods, such as Josef Grey's makeup textures, Dimonized faces or Fallout Character Overhaul. The HD Edition's body skin textures will likely conflict/overwrite body mods' textures, so body mod users are advised to stick to the Standard Edition.
I am no longer doing designs for FO3, but SpaceOden is still maintaining the mod. If you have any bugs to report, please post them in the bugs section.
I'm getting PINK/PURPLE eyes, eyelashes, heads, etc. Pink or purple stuff means you are missing textures. Usually, this can be fixed by reinstalling our mod.
I'm getting characters with WHITE FACES but DARK BODIES. Fixed in version 2.75. Update now! Version 2.75 of FO3 Redesigned includes FaceGen EGT files, which makes the following INI tweak unnecessary. Alternatively, you can set bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=1 in all of your INI files. Detailed instructions can be found here, and here's a video demonstrating the fix.
The game CRASHES before I even get to the main menu! That's a missing master error. You're probably using a patch you don't need. Make sure all your mods are up to date, and you have all your mods' requirements installed.
My BODY REPLACER doesn't work now that I've installed the HD EDITION Please re-install your body replacer mod, overwriting the HD Edition's files. That should solve your problem.
Any other questions... Post in the comments section or send SpaceOden a PM.