About this mod

Mini Hideout located in Springvale: Key found in mailbox nearby. Also includes equippable Katanas from necKros "Some Katanas" mod and "HK416 SOPMOD" from munkeenuts and dcpuser. Companion friendly.

Permissions and credits
See my Skyrim version of the hideout here Skyrim Mini Hideout.

Latest Version(s)

013 (75 Science skill required to enter secret room)
013 Easy (75 Science skill requirement removed)

Please make sure you are patched to version 1.7.

German Version: (TKone)
Spanish Version: (slayer13x)
Italian Version: (oscarmax)

==========[ Description ]==========

Adds a player home in Springvale under the Red Rocket gas station. The Key can be found via Mailbox just across the street. (see screenshot) Also includes equippable Katanas from necKros "Some Katanas" mod and "HK416 SOPMOD" from munkeenuts and dcpuser.

Companion Friendly with idle markers.

==========[ Hideout Includes ]==========

-3 Equippable Katanas
-Hidden Room
-Computer Butler for Haircut/Surgery
-Jacuzzi/Hot Tub (Removes Rads)
-Mannequin display (male or female)
-NavMeshed for companions (includes idle markers)
-Katana Fountain/Shrine (remountable Katanas)
-Aquarium (animated fish, bubbles)
-Custom Bobblehead Display Case (can use bobbles from other houses)
-Water Purifier
-Map Marker for Fast Travel
-Separate storage labeled Armor|Weapons|Tools|Ammo|Explosives|First Aid|Junk|Storage
-2 Floor Safes (key required/auto re-lock)
-Purified Sink
-Classic Nuka Refrigerator
-Pristine Nuka Cola Machine (for Ice-Cold Nukas)
-Well Rest Bed
-Wall Mounted Jukebox GNR (click on outer bar to activate)
-Display Case
-Hidden Hatch Entrance (key required)
-Bathroom (can sit on toilet)
-Fungus Garden (self watering with switch)
-Hidden Wall Safe (key required)
-Ammo/Explosives Sorter
-Food, Medical and Tool/Component Sorters
-Light Switches
-Water Switches
-Ability to add/remove sconce
-Wonder Meat Maker

==========[ Recommendations ]==========

I highly recommend the following mods for adding to your Fallout 3 experience:

Lucy West Companion by Earthbind

Brianna Companion by Earthbind
Two great companions that are very well done...voices, idles, options.

I also of course recommend all the files in my credits...please make sure if you like that part of my hideout you stop by and comment/endorse the original mods.

==========[ Installation ]==========

1. Copy/Paste the Mini Hideout Data folder OVER the Fallout 3/Data folder. (you should get a prompt to overwrite Data folder)
2. Drop the MiniHideout.esp file IN the Fallout 3/Data folder.
3. Check the MiniHideout.esp at start up via FOMM.

==========[ Problem Solvers & Known Issues ]==========

Texture Problems/Red exclamation points
If any of your textures are flickering or showing up with a red "!" make sure you are using ArchiveInvalidation found at:

Framerate Issues
Warning: Due to alot happening in a "mini" area some systems may experience framerate issues.
If you do experience framerate issues you can try the following mod/instructions to help performance: (thanks 1337s0u1)

Alternatively you can turn off water/light features in the hideout to try and help with performance.

If you are having problems crashing with the MiniHideout please follow the instructions below and use the FO3Edit mod listed below:

This fixes Megaton, random, load or save crashes most of the time...

Steps for use:
1. Download FO3Edit
2. Copy the FO3Edit.exe to desktop
3. Rename to FO3MasterUpdate
4. Open up FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager) and check the mod
5. Click the FO3MasterUpdate.exe with FOMM still open (then close window when it says it's finished)
6. Launch Fallout 3 through FOMM.

You do not need to install the esp that comes with FO3Edit. And you will need to do this each time you install a new mod.

Another possible solution for Quad Core users freeze/crash issues see the link below from Rendan:

I can't open the Hatch!?
There is a little button on the left railing. See Screenshot below:

There is a car on top of the hatch!?
Blow it up.

I can't open the forcefield at the terminal in the hidden room!?
(use console ~ and click on forcefield and type "zap")
Can't figure out why some users get this.

Incompatible with:
Cheng Wu's Bunker
CMF's Mini Den: as it occupies the same entrance space.
Megaton Quests Mod: Quest giver stands on top of Hideout.
Bobbles may not work with FWE alternate intro.

May also not work with other mods that utilize the gas station in Springvale.

==========[ Future Plans ]==========

-Couch/Relaxation area to make it more friendly for companions, perhaps a fireplace
-Kitchen area with useful food enchancing gadgets
-Expand or change Bathroom slightly
-Switch for making hidden room mannequins male/female
-Re-evaluate hidden room
-Add a favorite set of armor to a mannequin

I will listen and consider suggestions as well. Don't get hopes up too high though, not sure I'm going to do anymore updates unless the "vision" hits me.

==========[ Credits/permissions ]==========

Please see Options/Credits and permissions to your right

THANKS to all who take the time to download and check this out. I spent way more time then I should of, it being my first mod. Perhaps I should have read a tutorial but I had fun figuring it out on my own. Hope you enjoy...(lol I doubt anyone reads this far, maybe my wife)

Maciek1010 read this far too!
Felix3322 read this far too!