Fallout 3

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Welcome to Fallout 3 Two wastelanders using Random Start and Arwen's Realism Tweaks Mods.

In this series I have partnered up with Erik Malkavian to, bring you the harsh and unforgiving live in the wasteland. We’ll be utilizing a bunch of (realism) mods for Fallout 3 in order to totally change the way it is played.

We randomly start (with random equipment determined by our skillset) in the same location with the same choice of skill specialties so you’ll be able to follow the characters along as they deal with similar situations and face what the wasteland throws at them.
This chapter: Small Guns, Reapair and Science.
Erik’s third character Gordon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqK0gDvB2xM&feature=iv&src_vid=BFZkrKmN2GU&annotation_id=annotation_2298983231

The most prominently featured mod in this is Arwen’s realism tweaks: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/7565/?
Which turns every aspect the game into a struggle for survival. Sleeping, eating, drinking, tending to your wounds, a reworked (slower) leveling and time scale and a high increased in the danger of weapons are just a few tweaks in the mod.

No longer on the Nexus is Apocalypse Armory: https://www.dropbox.com/s/elvbbyolsdtscg7/Apocalypse_Armory_V2_0-14773-2-0.7z