Zipped Slooty Jumpsuit Male

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  1. Alexmancer
    • member
    • 65 kudos
    I am excited to see the release of these, particularly the Courser one! Great job!

    You know... Your character kinda reminds me of Cid Highwind.
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,155 kudos
      Its the goggles and the blonde hair, normally his hair is not blonde but this is his alternate reality version so he can wear the institute stuff.

      God I thought Cid was super hot though lol!
    2. elr0y7
      • premium
      • 191 kudos
      I got the same vibe, lol.
    3. Alexmancer
      • member
      • 65 kudos
      Yeah, the mix of the hair and goggles and the color of the vault suit. But hey, I think he's pretty hot too though.
  2. starfis
    • premium
    • 93 kudos
    As a male playing usually as male character I thank you. Maybe authors of other purely female mods will change their mind and include male versions too. I missed the courser armor more, but this looks pretty functional too. Thank you.
    1. zanyoutlaw
      • premium
      • 41 kudos
      I thank you as well.
    2. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,155 kudos
      Eh, its kinda how modding is you make things you personally enjoy and a HUGE amount of the male population does not care how their male character looks (so long as it is middle aged and rugged) and only care what the girls look like.
      That is not going to change any time soon.

      On the flip side people only have so much time to play around in the day, why spend it on something you have no care for? I dont make alot female versions for my male outfits unless I feel it needs it, such as the armors are integrated into level lists and will show up on both genders.

      Annoying, but I can not fault modders for not making male versions just as they can not fault me for not making female.

      But I hope everyone can enjoy these outfits now for both genders.
  3. elr0y7
    • premium
    • 191 kudos
    Looks awesome Nivea, so glad you got the green light on your stuff!
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,155 kudos
      Yup both meshes and texture permissions have been received so that means I just need to finish my versions up and release.
  4. amoveve
    • supporter
    • 184 kudos
    i am so GOing to enjoy this outfit for my Character. Never been a fan of slooty suits, but the male one you made here is actually very.. elegant.
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,155 kudos
      Thank you, I tried to keep them all tasteful but I am rather pleased with how the zipped version turned out.
  5. Bryan244
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    Ballistic weave?
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,155 kudos
      Dunno, does the original have it because this is just a patch to that .esp not a whole new mod. My char has not gotten that far in game, so kinda hard to test.
    2. Bryan244
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      With the most recent version you will be able to May I ask what faction you are going for?
    3. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,155 kudos
      Currently none, Reed is not far enough into the faction stuff yet to really pick. Most Lilly the minutemen or railroad but the pickings are kinda slim for anyone not institute or BOS lol.
    4. Bryan244
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Yes! Those are definitely good factions I hope to use this soon and thank you for your dedication mate
  6. Vhearhok
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Lack of slootyness
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,155 kudos
      Lol, the other WIP shots show the "slooty" mesh version.