Prydwen Life

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  1. 83Willow
    • premium
    • 1,144 kudos
    Very nice series! Love the Reshade/ENB that you used - the colors and atmosphere are wonderful!
    1. StandAlone97
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      Thanks Willow glad you like them!
  2. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 249 kudos
    Sweet shots of the BOS airship. Nice set.
    1. StandAlone97
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      Thank you!
  3. SgtJenz
    • premium
    • 81 kudos
    Beautiful character...fitting music.
    Well done.
    1. StandAlone97
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      Thanks muchly, glad you like it!
  4. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    Well, at least they offer vertibird rides. But yeah, not a big fan of this version of the Brotherhood either. Great looking shots in the Prydwen
    1. StandAlone97
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      Thanks. Yeah like I said just going with them this time around. Probably my last afterwords... Since I plan on doing quite a few more characters.
  5. Bernt
    • premium
    • 390 kudos

    Very interesting. I just might try that approach - though I don't like the BOS one bit.
    1. StandAlone97
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      Thank you! Yeah same, just sticking with them this playthrough for the sake of doing there quests etc... Hopefully once the Geck comes out we can use those airship assets for some cool stuff though...
  6. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Great set of iimages, nice colours and lighting, I really like the last shot the most, very well done
    1. StandAlone97
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      Thanks! Yeah I didn't even realize you could go there. It's an awesome spot, will have to mess around with it another time.
  7. Culuf
    • premium
    • 183 kudos
    Very nice shots! I've been wondering what it's like with the BoS :o
    1. StandAlone97
      • premium
      • 89 kudos
      Thanks! Well I'm not a huge fan of them but decided to just stick with them this play through. Will try going different route on the next character.