Whats Your Sign

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I felt the coin slip from my hand as the clerk fumbled it to me...
the clink as it hit the floor and began a slow lazy roll towards the display shelf. As I stooped to search for the errant coin and failed to find it, was not the annoyed thought that came to mind.

Hey! You disappear, no fair!

Now you know my sign...

What is yours, that indication that gaming has taken hold in your life and altered thought, behavior, or morals? That indication that maybe we have played just a little bit too much.


  1. wolfgrimdark
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    • 899 kudos
    I don't think gaming has ever altered morals for me, at least not in any substantial or dramatic way. The few times it has it has always been positive. Most of my characters ... okay all of them ... tend to be good people, even the dark ones, and somewhat of an idealized version of my self - the me I wish I were. A sort of goal I can hold out in front of me and say - I would like to be more like this. I usually lack the energy/motivation these days to pursue it much but that goal is always a voice (sometimes nagging sometimes inspiring) in the back of my head that always reminds me I should seek to improve. But to me that isn't really the game changing my morals - it is me playing a character who in the game is a more ideal version of myself that reminds me of goals in real life I think are important.

    Behavior? Nothing too radical but yes it can change some. Staying up later than I should, calling in sick at work, in that case it changes behavior but not any serious extent. Perhaps there are others I can't remember/think of right now ... pretty sure there are but probably more subtle.

    Thought? Certainly games have many thoughts to them so playing does alter them - especially games that have social ties either external like Nexus or internal like an MMO.

    As for a sign I have been playing a lot - like Shelley that would be dreams most likely. When a game gets into my dreams than I know I have been playing a lot. Also when a game habit comes up in real life, like your post here. I remember last week I had that experience when I saw a bottle cap on the ground and thought, I should save that ...
    1. pangallosr
      • member
      • 52 kudos
      and I think you caught that there is a serious side to this Wolf.
      Don't feel to bad about missing work to play though, what is the difference, except the health benefits of just calling off work to go fishing or to play golf or to take that fine dog of yours for a walk.
      lol...... Shelley and I both get a laugh each time we read about the bottle cap..
      should I start saving mine and send them to you?
    2. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 899 kudos
      Only the Sarsaparilla ones :-)

      (Fallout New Vegas reference)
  2. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 253 kudos
    A fair enough question. I must admit that gaming, and adding mods to these games has taken over most of my free time. As well as posting here. But my thoughts, behavior and morals are mine and if any thing the Nexus itself has led me to take a look at what I post. I have recently just been considering the endorses I give on the supporter side also.

    Now that I talked about me, I must say that you fit into a group of people that helps others here and that puts you very much in my esteem. Have a good one.
    1. pangallosr
      • member
      • 52 kudos
      So good to see you here Doug.... hope your system is still running fine, should be at least for Fallout, imagine that there is not much damage we have done so far with the modding.

      I am thankful that my son sent me Skyrim as a gift a couple years back, if it were not for that, I would have never met such wonderful people in this community.
  3. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    My sign, have to think of it , one I know is when I dream of the game instead of every day events.
    1. pangallosr
      • member
      • 52 kudos
      a sure sign that i am remiss in taking your mind off of the game Love... supposed to be dreaming of me.