If this is the cow I think it is, it always spawns there every game, Bugthesda placed it and it's bath up on the second floor of a ruined house. *Shrug*
You asked "What forces are needed to get a brahmin to the upper floor?"
Gravity. They often spawn higher than that, then settle down-ward, on a rare occasion if they spawn in a wall they will also pop out into the first/nearest available space the program sees, even it is up ... ( My settelers often do it too, it is how they keep ending up on rooftops )
Forces of evil owo Just kidding, thank you for the explanation I was just too stunned and surprised to hear a "Moo" coming out of the middle of nowhere just to find a brahmin standing right over my head to think of such a quite "easy" reason.
Where it spawned from.
You asked "What forces are needed to get a brahmin to the upper floor?"
Gravity. They often spawn higher than that, then settle down-ward, on a rare occasion if they spawn in a wall they will also pop out into the first/nearest available space the program sees, even it is up ...
( My settelers often do it too, it is how they keep ending up on rooftops )
Just kidding, thank you for the explanation I was just too stunned and surprised to hear a "Moo" coming out of the middle of nowhere just to find a brahmin standing right over my head to think of such a quite "easy" reason.