CC Stingwing

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  1. Xazomn
    • premium
    • 496 kudos
    StingWing is up for Download
  2. MoonALM
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Since you're doing a redesigned texture, I wanted to ask about your point of view on the glowing creatures. I have this wild idea that maybe, creatures glowing all over aren't quite diverse enough. Ergo, I thought that stingwings could get only their sting bulge glowing, a bit like fireflies. That way, they would look more dangerous and a bit cooler/different from the normal other glowing creatures. What do you think about that concept? Is that a thing you could potentially see realised?
  3. 1488Granata
    • BANNED
    • 5 kudos
    Wow! It's real beast.
  4. briantorcia
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    are you going to make your own creatures?
    1. Xazomn
      • premium
      • 496 kudos
      No, only work with textures
  5. BarakThor
    • supporter
    • 28 kudos
    When you are ready with your stuff, it will be a totally different and more exciting wasteland
    1. Xazomn
      • premium
      • 496 kudos
      there are so many creature still to be done
    2. BarakThor
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Do you plan to change supermutis? I am really excited abot, what you´ll be able to do to them
    3. Xazomn
      • premium
      • 496 kudos
      not sure, but i realy like to try that one out, i thought that ferals was not possible to for me. As far i'm thinking now personaly, i try out every creature eccept robotica and find out while working on them if i can make a difference or let it over to other people with more skills then me

      so far i see now, there are so many creatures to be done and not sure if i am able to do all of them
    4. BarakThor
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      Your ferals are magnificent...really! The look you added to them is the missing link for making them a real least not in combat cause they stay weak as hell, but when I think about meeting them in really dark dungeon I get goosebumps. So don´t worry about muties...I think they are not as hard to retexture as the ferals were.

      Keep up the good work and when it´s done I will see beeing the first one in the download section