Platform:   Fallout 4 (PC, XBOX)
Mod File:   SKKDynamicDamageManager.ESP
Mod Ver:    001 onwards 
Author:     [email protected]
Date:       April 2019 

Global Variables that can be set with the console, Papyrus remote script properties via GetFormFromFile, or MCM if you want to write a json thing.

To set global variables with the game console use [set VARIABLE to VALUE]. For a Global Variable setting change to take effect, the associated quest script function must be called.



[0 | *1] Enable or disable experience modifications.


[0 ... 9999] Multiplier to modify current experience awards relative to normal game, 0.1 is 10% of a normal game, 1 is 100% of normal game, 2 is 200% of normal game, 10 is 1000% of normal game.

Implement changes with function:
cqf SKK_DDM "SKK_DDMMainScript.SetXP"



[0 | 1 | 2] 0:Disabled, 1:All damage, 2:Explosion damage only.


[0 ... 9999] Multiplier to modify current damage in relative to normal game, 0.1 is 10% of a normal game, 1 is 100% of normal game, 2 is 200% of normal game, 10 is 1000% of normal game. 

Implement changes with the function:
cqf SKK_DDM "SKK_DDMMainScript.SetDamageIn"



[0 | 1] 0:Disabled, 1:Enabled.


[0 ... 9999] Multiplier to modify current out damage relative to normal game, 0.1 is 10% of a normal game, 1 is 100% of normal game, 2 is 200% of normal game, 10 is 1000% of normal game.

Implement changes with the function:
cqf SKK_DDM "SKK_DDMMainScript.SetDamageOut"


SKK_DDMUncappedWeaponSetting (from version 012 onward)
[0 | 1] 0:Disabled, 1:Enabled.

Implement changes with the function:
cqf SKK_DDM "SKK_DDMMainScript.SetUncappedWeaponDamage"


[0 | 1] 0:Disabled, 1:Enabled.

Implement changes with the function:
cqf SKK_DDM "SKK_DDMMainScript.SetCriticalHit"


[0 ... 1] 0:Disabled then decimal percent target hit sound volume to 1 which is full voilume.

[0 | 1] Make Essential actors killable after the first player hit (companions are killable after the second hit, just in case).

Implement changes with the function:
cqf SKK_DDM "SKK_DDMMainScript.SetOnHit"


set SKK_DDMUnkillableProtection
[0 | 1] ; Make any actor that is hostile to the player mortal after they hit the player once. particularly suitable for unkillable companions when they turn hostile due to murder.

cqf SKK_DDM "SKK_DDMMainScript.SwitchUnkillableProtection";


;;SKK Dynamic Damage manager 
;;Example console bat file 
;;set any game difficulty to Normal game rates 

set SKK_DDMExpSetting to 1
set SKK_DDMExpValue to 1
cqf SKK_DDM "SKK_DDMMainScript.SetXP"

set SKK_DDMDamageInSetting to 1
set SKK_DDMDamageInValue to 1
cqf SKK_DDM "SKK_DDMMainScript.SetDamageIn"

set SKK_DDMDamageOutSetting to 1
set SKK_DDMDamageOutValue to 1
cqf SKK_DDM "SKK_DDMMainScript.SetDamageOut"

set SKK_DDMUncapWeaponDamage to 1
cqf SKK_DDM "SKK_DDMMainScript.SetUncapWeaponDamage" 

set SKK_DDMCriticalHitSetting to 1
cqf SKK_DDM "SKK_DDMMainScript.SetCriticalHit"

set SKK_DDMOnHitSetting to 1
set SKK_DDMEveryoneKillable to 0;
cqf SKK_DDM "SKK_DDMMainScript.SetOnHit"

set SKK_DDMUnkillableProtection to 0;
cqf SKK_DDM "SKK_DDMMainScript.SwitchUnkillableProtection";


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