This article contains: Crafting, Settlements, Caravan Travel system, Cargo Bots, Settlement Progression, and Resource Production.
Many new objects and devices are created in Horizon, in order to extend gameplay and to expand settlement building.
Horizon also introduces many new crafting components, to fill gaps in the crafting system.

The Tech Lab is a new crafting station, used to craft devices, tools, parts, electronics, and settlement ingredients. Ideally, you will want one of these early on in your main settlement.
Settlement Crafting Parts
- Turret Deployment Parts - these parts can be carried with you, to make setting up simply pipe turrets at new settlements easier
- Caravan Supply Kits - these are used to supply Caravan Travel Hubs
- Cargo Bots - These are crafting ingredients used to build many new settlement devices
- Water Filters - Used to either craft water purifiers or directly craft purified water bottles (not in Desolation Mode)
Devices and Tools
- Call Cargo Bot 1X - this consumable device lets you summon a cargo bot
- Portable Memeory Device - this consumable device allows you to save your game
- Lock Breaching devices - devices that allow you to bypass locks without needing lockpicking
- Various tools can be crafted which require different perks such as Blacksmith
- Bottles, parts, and misc ingredients
Contracted Work
There's a special category called "CONTRACTED WORK" in the Robotics Lab (and the Weapons Lab too.)
This category allows you to bypass the perk requirement for crafting certain objects. But it comes at a cost.. normally requiring caps and extra ingredients. The concept is that a skilled artisan makes the item for you (i.e. could be a settler, or someone from a major town, etc.) if you lack the skill to make it yourself.
Some of these recipes require that you have ranks of "Recipe: Tricks of the Trade" which are acquired by finding Junktown Vendor magazines. This essentially allows you to open up more trading relations.
Take note, that if you have the skill to craft any of these objects, you should look for the "real" recipe located in another category, and NOT use the contracted work one. The real recipes are often cheaper and more efficient.
Certain items that are purposely flagged as unscrappable tools or parts (so they aren't accidentally scrapped), can still be scrapped from this category manually if you wish.
In the Weapons Lab, this consists of all the possible types of ammo/explosives you can break down into components.

The Weapons Lab is a crafting station used to craft/scrap ammo, as well as build weapons and explosives.
Horizon has it's own carefully balanced ammo crafting system. Everything is based on the average damage per shot of each round. Ultimately it should feel fair for any ammo type crafted, including explosives.
The special ingredients required to make ammo can come from loot drops, vendors, scrapping junk, or scrapping other ammo.
Weapons Lab Categories
- All grenade, mine, and trap recipes, are moved to the Weapons Lab
- Ammunition: Contains recipes to load your own ammunition
- Imported Ammunition: Specifically for ammo used by external mod-created weapons
- Weapons: Companion weapons, and external mod-created weapons
- Disassembly: Contains recipes to scrap ammo into parts
- Contracted Work: Some recipes can be used without specific skill-based perks, but at a cost
Raw Ammo Crafting Ingredients
- Smokeless Powder - ingredient used for crafting ballistic ammo
- Energy Cell - ingredient used for crafting energy ammo
- Fusion Casing - ingredient used for crafting Fusion Cores and Mini-Nukes
- Cryogenic Fluid - ingredient used for crafting cryo items
- Explosive Material - ingredient used for crafting explosives
- Smokeless Powder can be found in some ammo/weapon containers, and from ballistic ammo
- Energy Cells can be found in some high tech junk devices, robot parts, and from energy ammo
- Cryogenic Fluid can be found in junk like liquid nitrogen dispensers, fire extinquishers, and robot cooling units
- Boxes/cases of Powder and Cells can be found on different weapon vendors
- Fusion Casings can be found on certain vendors
Ammo Crafting
- Recipes to craft most ammo are added to the AMMUNITION section of the Weapons Lab
- Crafting ammo usually outputs 10 rounds at a time (5mm/Fuel = 20 rounds)
- Scrapping/crafting ammo is all based on damage per shot, so most recipes are balanced well
- Crafting ballistic ammo requires different ranks of Gun Nut and "Guns and Bullets" magazines
- Crafting energy ammo requires different ranks of Science and "Tesla Science" magazines
- Crafting Fusion Cores require Nuclear Physicist and "Tesla Science" magazines
- Some ammo types are also available through CONTRACTED WORK, and usually only have a level requirement
- A few certain scrapping recipes won't appear unless you have the items
- DLC Weapons included
Ammo Scrapping
- Recipes to scrap most ammo are added to the DISASSEMBLY section of the Weapons Lab
- Scrapping ammo gives different amounts of smokeless powder based on the round, as well as other raw materials
- Scrapping ammo requires 10 rounds (5mm/Fuel = 20 rounds)
- There's a large tax for converting ammo: crafting generally takes 1.5x the material that you get from ammo scrap
- Contracted work takes 2.0x the material from scrapping, plus caps based on this scale
- For balance purposes, these raw materials usually sell for 0 caps, and aren't sold by vendors individually
- Fusion Cores cannot be scrapped (unless I can find away around exploiting low core health)
- Each type of ammo has it's own separate junk item (this is the only way for the system to work properly)
Ammo Recipe Unlocks
- Requires "Ballistics Skill"
- .38 Rounds
- 10mm Rounds
- Shotgun Shells
- .45 Rounds
- 5: 5.56 Rounds
- 5mm Rounds
- .308 Rounds / Railway Spikes
- .44 Rounds
- .50 Rounds
Energy Ammo Recipe Unlocks
- Requires "Science Skill"
- Flamer Fuel
- Fusion Cells
- Fusion Core
- Gamma Round
- Plasma Cartridge
- Cryo Rounds / Missile
- 2mm EC Rounds
- Alien Blaster Rounds
- Mini Nuke
Ammo Recipe Unlocks (Contracted Work)
- .38 Rounds
- 10mm Rounds
- Shotgun Shells
- Flamer Fuel
- .45 Rounds
- Fusion Cells
- 5.56 Rounds
- .308 Rounds
- Fusion Core
- .44 Rounds
Weapon Scrapping and New Components
I've designed a new system for dealing with scraping weapons and building turrets (and other items and objects.) I wanted scraping weapons to actually feel much more beneficial.
When you scrap weapons, you receive components called "Weapon Parts."
Weapon parts salvage from the following
- Rifle Weapon Parts: Combat/assault/hunting rifle, submachinegun, minigun
- Shotgun Weapon Parts: Combat and double-barreled shotguns
- Energy Weapon Parts: Laser, plasma, gamma, gauss, laser musket, gatling laser guns
- Pistol Weapon Parts: 10mm, .44
- Pipe Weapon Parts: Any type of pipe gun
- Heavy Weapon Parts: Missile launchers, flamethrowers, etc.
There are also new components found in many junk items that are often used for settlement crafting:
NEW - Crafting component: "Packing Material"
- This component category can consist of any kind of scrap used for paper products, stuffing, foam, etc.
- This component is now a primary ingredient for crafting objects such as beds, couches, etc.
- Many appropriate junk items now contain this component (Newspapers, folders, etc.)
- Many appropriate scrappable settlement objects now contain this component
- New crafting recipes are added to create this component (optional, in case you can't find enough)
NEW - Crafting component: "Liquid Fuel"
- Fuel is used to run certain settlement resources (lumber yards, etc.)
- Fuel is also used in some crafting recipes (mainly settlement objects)
- Gas Canisters and Mr Handy Fuel now give "Liquid Fuel" instead of oil
- Some settlement scrap objects can give fuel (cars, tractors, etc.)
- Items tagged with (Fuel) will appear at the top of the junk list so it's easy to find

I want having multiple settlements easier to manage, but also be more interesting, and feel more worth-while. At the same time I need to make sure it doesn't easily trivialize your own survival too much.
Settlements should feel like they're part of the gameplay. I'd also like to expand on this more in the future.
- Harvesting vanilla FO4 crops only has a chance to give an edible piece of food
- Harvesting vanilla FO4 crops has a chance for: 1 crop, 1 rotten crop, or 1 dried up crop
- Food Rating now produce "Settler Rations" to the workbench instead of crop items
- Settler Rations are worth 0 value and are not used for anything but settlers
- Settler Rations can be eaten by the player for hunger if you wish, but gives rads like crops
- Water pumps give radiation damage when drinking directly from them
- Filling bottles at water pumps only gives dirty water
- Water produced to the workbench only gives dirty water
- Purified Water bottles CAN ONLY be produced with Water Purification Units (see below)
- Producing Purified Water bottles is only done through the Resource Manager (see below)
Misc Changes
- Fertilizer/scrap that is generated to the workshop is reduced
- The distance wires can be attached is increased
- Workshop01 DLC: Disabled Decontamination Arch (Too easy to cure rads, sorry)
- Workshop02 DLC: Disabled All Factories (once again more trivializing of supplies)*
- Workshop03 DLC: Increased defense values of guard posts; added minor material costs
NEW: Resource Station
- This workshop object can be interacted with to control resource production
- All resources produced through the Manager, are done globally for all settlements
- Each Resource Cycle is 1 day by default (16 hours if using my Timescale Addon)
- Resources produced generally have a low re-sell value, and are intended to be directly used for crafting
- Resources produced are stored directly in the "Production Storage" container (this can be changed)
Resource Management - Fuel Upkeep:
- Some resources require Fuel to find/process materials (wood, concrete, steel)
- Fuel can be found from existing junk containing "Liquid Fuel" or can be crafted as a more expensive last resort
- Fuel must be added through the resource management interface in order to run your utilities
Water Purification Units
- Water Purification Units are the only way to produce purified water bottles now, through the Resource Manager menu
- The generic "Water" settlement resource now gives Dirty Water to the workbench instead of purified water
- To produce purified water bottles, it takes 20 units of purified water (globally) per bottle per day
- Producing bottles requires that Maintenance Kits are added to the Resource Manager
- Purified bottles go into the Production Storage by default (this can be changed)
- Each purification unit grants a significant amount of happiness for the settlement
- (NEW) Many new defense structures are available (see below)
- The basic guard posts/towers are increased to 4 defense
- Most turrets are increased in defense value and health
- Machinegun turrets use Rifle Weapon Parts and simplified materials
- Laser turrets use Energy Weapon Parts and simplified materials
- Shotgun turrets use Shotgun Weapon Parts and simplified materials
- Missile turrets use Heavy Weapon Parts and simplified materials
NEW: Watchman's Tower
- A new automatically upgradeable guard tower which upgrades based on your tech level
NEW: Command Tower
- A new automatically upgradeable guard tower which upgrades based on your tech level
NEW: Turret Platforms
- You can place Turret Platforms down, which allow you to choose different turrets
- The choices for turrets that are available are based on your Workshop Technology Level
- You can also choose from a few non-turret objects, which add defense (such as radar dishes)
NEW: Sentry Post
- A simple rubber mat with a decal (so you can see which way it's facing) for a guard to stand on - 5 defense
NEW: Sentry Chair
- A simple chair for a guard to sit on - 4 defense
NEW: Custom Pipe Turret
- This gun is specifically designed to be easily deployable at new settlements
- It can be created using "Turret Deployment Parts" which is crafted at the Robotics Lab
- Turrets require 2 parts to make, and building the parts gives you 2 at a time.
- Turrets require 1 part to repair, and they give 1 part if you salvage them.
- This allows you to carry parts around with you, and not worry about micro-managing to carry scrap with you.
- Contains a new weapon mesh that is attached to a standard turret platform
NEW: Machine gun turrets are converted to 4 specific types (instead of being random):
- Machine Gun Mk I (5.56mm) - 5 defense (uses Rifle Weapon Parts)
- Machine Gun Mk V (Incendiary) - 7 defense (uses Rifle Weapon Parts)
- Heavy Machine Gun Mk III (10mm HE) - 10 defense (uses Rifle Weapon Parts)
- Heavy Machine Gun Mk VII (Explosive) - 12 defense (uses Rifle Weapon Parts)
- The "Mark" level is written on the actual turret itself so you can tell them apart after they're placed.
NEW: Personal Beds
- Beds that can only be used by your character, but don't count towards settler bed counts
Vendor Stalls
- Vendors give "Vendor Credit" instead of Caps, which can be used for different purposes
- Vendor stalls cost different materials now
- All vendor stalls start off as "Tier 3", but the caps they give is based on your Workshop Trading Level
- All vendor inventories in Horizon are based on your personal Trading Skill
I've created a few new decorated vendor meshes that I've always wanted to see:
- New: Full Bar (Tier 3 Food Vendor)
- New: Diner Counter (Tier 3 Food Vendor)
- New: Weapon Warehouse (Tier 3 Weapons Vendor)
- New: Medical Center (Tier 3 Medical Vendor)
- New: General Store (Tier 3 General Vendor)
- New: Armor Outlet (Tier 3 Armor Vendor)
- New: Tailor Shop (Tier 3 Clothing Vendor)
- These are new vendors, and do not replace the default vendors
The following objects are now craftable (and moveable if they exist by default):
- Red carpet squares/rectangles (Boston Airport - "Decor - Floor Coverings")
- Double bar (Boston Airport - "Furniture - Misc")
- New: Small Diner Counter ("Furniture - Misc")
Collectible Decorations
- These objects are located in the Decorations/Statues category
- These objects add Bonus Happiness to the settlement
- New: Decorated Pool Table (requires a full set of pool balls - combined in 2 sets in the Robotics Lab)
- New: Giddyup Buttercup ( - it requires 1 intact Giddyup Buttercup)
- There's a new recipe in the Tech Lab to rebuild a Giddyup Butterup item from broken parts
- More to come later..
Scrap from Salvaging
- Certain scrappable objects in settlements give more materials when salvaged (cars, houses, piles of cinderblocks, etc.)
- Many objects are updated to provide the new components (Packing Material, Fuel, etc.)
- Many objects give more appropriate components
- Workshop03 DLC: Adjusted many objects to provide more appropriate scrap

It's good that survival mode limits fast traveling, but I think it goes too far. So I created a small fast travel system, that you can travel between allied settlements (including Home Plate, which has a real purpose now!)
To use a Caravan Transport Hub
- The Caravan Transport Hub can then be placed under "Resources - Misc" at any settlement workshop (including Home Plate.)
- Simply use the Hub to bring up a menu of travel options
- You'll need to stock the Caravan with supplies (crafted via the Tech Lab, or by paying caps)
Details on the system
- You can choose from 2 travel terminals: the Hub (outdoors), or the Radio Console (indoors)
- The Caravan Hub can only be used if there are enough settlers (3) in the settlement to maintain it
- You can stock the caravan with a set amount of supplies that will allow you to take multiple trips
- There's a sub-menu on the main menu that allows you to choose which supplies you wish to stock it with
- Stocking the caravan has multiple options: Supply kits, Caps, or Weapon Crates (crates N/A yet)
- Each kit (or unit of caps/crates) gives +30 supplies
- The base maximum for supplies 120
- The maximum amount that you can stock is increased by 10 for each "Successful Settlement"
- The distance that you travel consumes scaled supplies (ex: Sanct to Abernathy is 2 supplies, Sanct to Castle is 9 supplies)
- The distance traveled caps out at 10 supplies maximum
- It doesn't require that the destination also has a caravan hub
- The supplies are global for the entire caravan system at any location, and don't require you to stock individual hubs
- The menus display how many supplies the caravan has, and the amount of caps/kits you have on your character
- Traveling to other zones (Home Plate, to the DLC areas, etc.) will always consume the maximum supplies (10)
- Building a Caravan Hub only requires basic building materials
- The caravan works just like Fast Travelling, in that it advances time, etc.
Unlocking Destinations
- Each settlement location unlocks when you own access to the workshop
- Being allied with the Brotherhood allows you to travel to the Prydwen
- Being allied with the Railroad allows you to travel to the Railroad HQ
- Caravan Radio Consoles are always available inside of the Railroad HQ and the Prywden
- Completing "Art Appreciation" or "The Big Dig" will unlock travel to Goodneighbor
- When Goodneighbor is unlocked, a Caravan Radio will appear inside of the Memory Den*
- DLC Automatron: Mechanist's Lair supported
- DLC Far Harbor: All 4 settlements supported
- DLC Workshop03: Vault 88 supported
- DLC Nuka World: Unlocked after you start the quest
- NOTE: The Nuka World quest can now be started at any level, simply by accessing the Caravan Hub!
*This radio console will only appear after a save game is loaded up. So if you complete the quest and want the console immediately available: save your game, then reload it.
Misc Travel Changes
- The rate at which time passes when fast travelling, is reduced in half, to better match a realistic travel time
- (The rate of travel does not need to be adjusted for the Timescale addon)

Cargo Bots are a new system I created to deal with transporting junk back to your settlements remotely.
Scrap Storage / Call Cargo Bot device
- In order to call Cargo Bot 1-X, you need to craft a "Call Cargo Bot 1-X" device from the Tech Lab
- When you use the device, you summon a cargo bot which stealths in directly in front of you
- The Cargo Bot can be interacted with to bring up a menu-driven system
- From the menu, you can open up the Cargo Bot's inventory
- You can also check the status of your settlement production from this menu (requires skill)
- The Cargo Bot will remain for 1 minute, after which it stealths out
- When the Cargo Bot leaves, it will transfer all the items in it's inventory to the Destination Container
- The Destination Container can be changed from the menu
- The Cargo Bot's inventory does not have any item restrictions (which means you can drop armor, weapons, etc. into it)
- The device to call the Cargo Bot has a 90 second cooldown
- The device to call the Cargo Bot cannot be used in combat
- The Cargo Bot is friendly to the player and immune to damage
- The Cargo Bot won't attack or draw fire from enemies (if it ever does, let me know)
Settlement Progression
(This documentation section is not complete)
This new system is designed to make building and advancing settlements more interactive and goal-oriented.
NEW: NEW: The Command Table
- This object can be interacted with to check settlement stats, manage settler missions, and more
- The concept is to make building up settlements more interactive, immersive, rewarding, and ultimately feel like it has a purpose
NEW: (Perk) Trailblazer
- This perk grants access to schematics and recipes based around settlement crafting
- This perk currently has 7 ranks
- More schematics and recipes will be added over time
NEW: Lumber Yard
- Each Lumber Yard built (globally) will increase production of lumber
- Each yard produces 75 wood per day (this value may change)
- Requires Trailblazer Rank 1
- Requires 1 settler assigned to each yard to function
- Requires 1 Fuel per day to produce wood
- Requires 1 cargo bot and a "Carpenter Saw" to build
- A new custom model is created for this object
NEW: Stone Yard
- Each Stone Yard built (globally) will increase production of concrete
- Each yard produces 25 concrete per day (this value may change)
- Requires Trailblazer Rank 2
- Requires 1 settler assigned to each yard to function
- Requires 1 Fuel per day to produce concrete
- Requires 1 cargo bot to build
- A new custom model is created for this object
NEW: Small Oil Well
- Each Oil Well built (globally) will increase production of oil
- Each well produces 4 oil per day (this value may change)
- Requires Trailblazer Rank 3
- Requires a fair amount of power to function
- Requires 1 cargo bot to build
- A new custom model is created for this object
NEW: Steel Yard
- Each Steel Yard built (globally) will increase production of steel
- Each yard produces 40 steel per day (this value may change)
- Requires Trailblazer Rank 2
- Requires 1 settler assigned to each yard to function
- Requires 1 Fuel per day to produce wood
- Requires 1 cargo bot, a Hack Saw, and Ball-peen Hammer to build
- A new custom model is created for this object