Object encounters are a derivative of scene encounters. Unlike other random encounters in Fallout 4, object encounters are designed to consume their spawn point and make permanent changes to the game world.
Due to their nature as permanent changes, I deliberately set many of these encounters up to be notable and eye-catching, since they can become landmarks in your savegame. Unlike most other encounter types, object encounters do not differentiate between rural and urban areas, so I have listed them under "Commonwealth" rather than "Rural Commonwealth" or "Urban Commonwealth" like you see on my other lists. Please be aware that minimum levels apply to both the player's current level and the location of the encounter, so high level locations may provide high level encounters to a low level player.
Beached sailboat
- Requirements: None
Locations: Far Harbor

A small, abandoned sailboat.
Boat tent
- Requirements: None
Locations: Far Harbor

A rowboat being used as cover for a sleeping bag.
Brahmiluff bloodbath
- Requirements: Claim an outpost for Home Sweet Home or be in Nuka World
Locations: Commonwealth, Nuka World

Some brahmuluff who were drained of blood to create a macabre display.
Bumper cars
- Requirements: None
Locations: Nuka World

A few bumper cars that seem to have escaped the arena.
Café table
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth, Far Harbor, Nuka World

A café table and some patio chairs.
Caged Mechanist eyebot
- Requirements: Speak with Ada for Mechanical Menace
Locations: Commonwealth

Someone took exception to one of the Mechanist's eyebots and put it in a cage.
Cap-filled fountain
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth

An out of place fountain covered in caps.
Commonwealth garden
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth, Far Harbor, Nuka World

A large tree with several makeshift planters around it. This encounter can only be found in one location per save, and the crops in the planters will respawn over time.
Crashed vertibird
- Requirements: Prydwen at Boston Airport
Locations: Commonwealth

A recent vertibird crash, complete with fire and corpses that eventually vanish and leave just the wreck.
Dead crowd
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth, Far Harbor, Nuka World

A tableau featuring a formerly soapboxing skeleton and their audience.
Destroyed Mechanist sentry
- Requirements: Speak with Ada for Mechanical Menace
Locations: Commonwealth

One of the Mechanist's sentries, destroyed and surrounded by explosive gas.
Entrance gate
- Requirements: Claim an outpost for Home Sweet Home or be in Nuka World
Locations: Commonwealth, Nuka World

An entrance gate with no apparent reason to exist.
Fairy ring
- Requirements: None
Locations: Far Harbor

A ring of blight mushrooms.
Fishy desk
- Requirements: None
Locations: Far Harbor

An out of place, oddly decorated desk.
Flotsam trunk
- Requirements: None
Locations: Far Harbor

A trunk mixed in with old abandoned crates, barrels, and nets.
Flown ferris wheel car
- Requirements: None
Locations: Nuka World

A park visitor who got a far more thrilling ride than they anticipated.
Garden bench
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth, Far Harbor, Nuka World

Trees surrounding an old concrete bench.
Ghoulish graveyard
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth

A small mausoleum surrounded by gravestones and infested with ghouls.
Giant die
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth

A giant die crafted out of scrap metal and half-buried in the ground.
Giant head statue
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth

A giant art deco head.
Giant suckers
- Requirements: None
Locations: Nuka World

An oversized art installation.
Lantern tree
- Requirements: None
Locations: Far Harbor

A tree decorated by the Children of Atom.
Launched rocket
- Requirements: None
Locations: Nuka World

A nuka world visitor who got more than they bargained for on a roller coaster.
Lost anchor
- Requirements: None
Locations: Far Harbor

An anchor tangled in a net and mostly buried in the ground.
Misplaced mailbox
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth

A mailbox with no apparent reason for being where it is.
Net-covered whale skeleton
- Requirements: None
Locations: Far Harbor

A whale skeleton that has washed ashore and been partially buried.
Nuka world playground
- Requirements: None
Locations: Nuka World

An old Nuka World themed playground.
Old playground
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth, Nuka World

An old, abandoned playground.
Out of place bus stop
- Requirements: Claim an outpost for Home Sweet Home or be in Nuka World
Locations: Commonwealth, Nuka World

A perfectly safe and normal place to catch a bus.
Prewar construction equipment
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth, Far Harbor, Nuka World

Some construction equipment and supplies from before the war.
Raider windmill
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth

An unattended raider windmill.
Rest stop
- Requirements: None
Locations: Far Harbor

An old outhouse, open and ready to use.
Rust Devil brazier
- Requirements: Speak with Ada for Mechanical Menace
Locations: Commonwealth

A brazier made of robot parts and scrap metal.
Rust Devil totems
- Requirements: Speak with Ada for Mechanical Menace
Locations: Commonwealth

A menacing art project.
Rust Devils salvaging a vertibird
- Requirements: Prydwen at Boston Airport, Speak with Ada for Mechanical Menace
Locations: Commonwealth

Some Rust Devils attempting to salvage parts from a crashed Vertibird.
Scattered whale bones
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth, Far Harbor, Nuka World

A half-buried pile of old whale bones.
Statue garden
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth

A circle of statues that are clearly not where they belong.
Time capsule
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth, Far Harbor

A partially buried time capsule containing a letter and an assortment of candy.
Tossed teacup
- Requirements: None
Locations: Nuka World

A teacup rider who went for too much of a spin.
Tourist family
- Requirements: Claim an outpost for Home Sweet Home or be in Nuka World
Locations: Commonwealth, Nuka World

What remains of a family of tourists.
Trapped toaster ritual
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth, Far Harbor, Nuka World

A circle of toasters with flammable gas floating above them. There may be a mine in the middle, so be careful!
Trapper fishing camp
- Requirements: None
Locations: Far Harbor

A campsite being used by a group of trappers.
Vending machines
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth, Far Harbor, Nuka World

A group of well stocked vending machines, along with a bench and functional streetlight to relax at.
Wasteland art gallery
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth

An improvised art gallery set up by a fellow wastelander.
Whale corpse
- Requirements: None
Locations: Commonwealth, Far Harbor

The corpse of a whale, much further inland than expected.