SPID: The Complete Reference (by sasnikol)
as of SPID 3.0.0

Everything you need to know to start creating SPID mods.

Table of Contents


  • General Distribution Info
  • How does SPID load configs?
  • When distribution happens?
  • In what order forms are distributed?
  • Syntax
  • Form Type
  • Type Inferring
  • Distributable Form
  • Filtering
  • String Filters
  • Supported Strings
  • String Expression Modifiers
  • Form Filters
  • Supported Filterable Forms
  • Form Expression Modifiers
  • Level Filters
  • Supported Values
  • Ranges Syntax
  • Leveled Distribution
  • Traits Filters
  • Supported Traits
  • Trait Expression Modifier
  • Note on Templated NPCs
  • Count or Package Index
  • Item Count
  • Package Index
  • Package List Type
  • Chance

General Distribution Info

SPID distributes all configured forms at runtime, it doesn't have effect on either loaded plugins nor on save. SPID distributes everything from scratch each time you launch the game. You can think of SPID distribution as a "virtual plugin" that applies changes last in your load order. This makes any SPID-based mods safe to install/uninstall at any time, as they don't leave a trace.

  • How does SPID load configs? (Order)

  • At startup SPID looks into Fallout 4 Data/ folder and finds all ini files that have a _DISTR suffix in their name.
  • Then it orders them alphabetically from A to Z and loads in that order.
  • Each file is read from top to bottom, preserving relative order of each type of forms (this order is used later during distribution. (each type of forms is guaranteed to be distributed in the same order as they appear in the file as well as the global order of files).

  • When Distribution happens?

Distribution of forms is split into two steps:

  • Persistent static (not scaling with Player's level) NPCs are distributed to on Main Menu load.
  • Dynamic leveled NPCs are distributed to as they are loaded in the world (typically, on cell load).

  • In what order forms are distributed?

SPID distribution processes forms of each type separately.
The exact order at which form types are processed is:

  • Keywords
  • Factions
  • Spells
  • Perks
  • Packages
  • Outfits
  • Items
  • Skins

Within each type forms are distributed in the same order that they were loaded with a few exceptions:

  • Keywords are additionally sorted to make sure that keywords that depend on other keywords will be distributed later than their dependencies. This allows you to freely use keywords as requirements for other keywords without manually ordering them.


General syntax for a distributable form looks like this:

FormType = FormOrEditorID|StringFilters|FormFilters|LevelFilters|TraitFilters|CountOrPackageIndex|Chance
      required                           required                             optional                              optional                      optional                      optional                                           optional                               optional
                    Default: Index=0; Count=1            Default: 100

Optional sections can be either left blank or marked as NONE.

So both
Item = MyItem|||||5
are valid.

Form Type
Type of a distributable form that you want to configure.

Here is a list of all supported Distributable Forms that you can specify in FormType:

    Form type       Signature
  • Spell               [SPEL, LVSP]
  • Perk                [PERK]
  • Item                 [ALCH, AMMO, ARMO, BOOK, INGR, KEYM, LVLI, MISC, SCRL, SLGM, WEAP]*
  • Package        [PACK, FLST*]
  • Keyword*      [KYWD]
  • Outfit             [OTFT]
  • SleepOutfit   [OTFT]
  • Faction          [FACT]
  • Skin               [ARMO]
Basically, any carriable items. Let me know if I missed some.
* When distributing FormList it must contain only Packages, otherwise game most likely will crash.
SPID can also create Keywords dynamically, so you can distribute custom keywords.
This will create a new keyword and distribute it to NPCs
Keyword = MyVerySpecialKeyword

Type Inferring

You can also specify Form as a generic Form Type and let SPID work out proper Form Type based on provided Distributable Form.
Keep in mind that SleepOutfit and Skin can't be inferred,
because they use the same forms as Outfit and Item respectively, so the latter will always be detected first.
Form = Machete
Form = DefaultOutfit
is the same as
Item = Machete
Outfit = DefaultOutfit

Distributable Form
A unique identifier of the Form to be distributed.

Form must be one of the supported types listed in Form Type section.

A form can be identified by using one of the following IDs:

  • FormID - a hexadecimal number (0x12345) with a plugin name as a suffix (e.g 0x12345~MyPlugin.esp). Read FormIDs and You for more details on how this ID is formed.
  • EditorID - a text identifier of the Form as seen in Creation Kit or xEdit. (e.g. LaserMusket or BaseballBat).

Generally, EditorID is considered to be a more stable way of referencing a Form since, unlike FormID, it will remain the same when the mod is merged, converted to esl or compacted.


Distributable Form can be restricted to a group of NPCs that match specific criteria. These criteria are configured by a handful of filtering sections, that we'll talk about in a moment.

All Filters sections are multiplicative (combined using logical AND operation), while expressions within the same section are additive (combined using logical OR operation).

So the entry
Form = 0x12345|A,B|0x12,0x34
can be read as "give a form 0x12345 when NPC has (A OR B) AND (0x12 OR 0x34)".

Use multiple entries for the same distributable forms to target different groups of NPCs.

Keyword = FemaleRaiders||RaiderFaction||F
will give the keyword only to NPCs that are both Female AND part of Bandit Faction. But
Keyword = FemaleOrRaiders||BanditFaction
Keyword = FemaleOrRaiders||||F
will give the keyword to all members of Bandit Faction as well as all Females in the game.

String Filters

A list of comma-separated textual expressions that allows you to filter eligible NPCs by their textual properties, such as a name.

Form = 0x12345|StringExpression1,StringExpression2,...

Supported Strings
String Filters allow you to match NPCs by the following criteria:

  • NPC's Name (e.g. Piper).
  • NPC's EditorID (e.g. CompanionPiper).
  • NPC Templates* EditorID. This allows you to target all descendants of a template.
  • NPC's Keywords (e.g. ActorTypeNPC). This also includes Keywords distributed by SPID.
  • NPC Race's Keywords (e.g. ActorTypeAnimal).
This allows you to target all descendants of the same template. See Note on Templated NPCs below.

Give a form to all Minutemen
Form = 0x12345|MinuteMan

Give a form to NPC with ActorTypeNPC OR ActorTypeGhoul

Form = 0x12345|ActorTypeNPC,ActorTypeGhoul

String Expression Modifiers
By default, String Expression looks for the exact match of the specified term, but this behavior can be changed with several modifiers.

  • Exclusion modifier (-). Placed in front of a term. This will invert the expression and make it only match NPCs who does NOT have the exact term. 
Give a form to every NPC except specifically "Piper" (so "Piper Halliwell" would still be allowed)
Form = 0x12345|-Piper

  • Partial match modifier (*). Placed in front of a term. This will make the expression allow partial matches of the term. (e.g. "Raider" in "Raider Boss")
Give form to every raider, this will match all "Raider Boss" , "Raider Veteran" etc.
Form = 0x12345|*Raider

  • Combining modifier (+). Placed between multiple terms you want to combine. This will make the expression only match NPCs who have ALL of the exact terms.
Give a form to NPCs who are simultaneously ActorTypeNPC, Raider and ActorTypeGhoul
Form = 0x12345|ActorTypeNPC+Raider+ActorTypeGhoul

Only one modifier can be used in a single expression.
None of these are valid:
Form = 0x12345|-*Raider
Form = 0x12345|-Raider+ActorTypeNPC
Form = 0x12345|ActorTypeNPC-Synth
Form = 0x12345|*Raider+ActorTypeNPC

Form Filters
A list of comma-separated expressions containing FormOrEditorIDs that allows you to filter eligible NPCs by their form properties, such as Race, Class, etc.

Form = 0x12345||FormExpression1,FormExpression2,...

Supported Filterable Forms

Form Filters allow you to match NPCs by the following criteria:

        Form type            Signature       NPC's Record in xEdit
  • Combat Style[CSTY]          ZNAM - Combat Style    
  • Class              [CLAS]          CNAM - Class
  • Faction          [FACT]           Factions
  • Race               [RACE]          RNAM - Race
  • Outfit             [OTFT]           DOFT - Default outfit
  • Specific NPC [NPC_]          FormID, EDID - Editor ID
  • NPC's Template*  [NPC_]  FormID, EDID - Editor ID
  • Voice Type            [VTYP]           VTCK - Voice
  • Known Spell          [SPEL]           Actor Effects
  • Skin                       [ARMO]          WNAM - Worn Armor
  • Editor Location*   [LCTN]           XLCN - Persistent Location (of ActorRef)
  • FormList*              [FLST]           Recursively looks for any form from the list.
This allows you to target all descendants of the same template. See Note on Templated NPCs below.
* This is the location where NPC is placed in the Editor, NOT the location where NPC is right now.
* List can contain any of the forms from this table, including another nested FormList.

Give a form to all Feral Ghouls (FeralGhoulRace "Feral Ghoul" [RACE:0006B4EC)
Form = 0x12345||FeralGhoulRace

Give a form to NPCs that are located in Diamond City (DiamondCityLocation "Diamond City" [LCTN:00002CEF]) OR report crimes in Diamond City (CrimeDiamondCIty ""Diamond City" [FACT:00002CB4]).
Form = 0x12345||DiamondCityLocation,CrimeDiamondCity

Additionally, here you can specify only name of the plugin where NPC is defined. This will match only NPCs from given plugin.
Give a form only to NPCs from CoolNPCs.esp plugin
Form = 0x12345||CoolNPCs.esp

Form Expression Modifiers
By default, Form Expression checks whether an NPC has the specified form, but this behavior can be changed with several modifiers.

  • Exclusion modifier (-). Placed in front of a form. This will invert the expression and make it only match NPCs who does NOT have the form. 
Give a form to every NPC except Feral Ghouls (FeralGhoulRace "Feral Ghoul" [RACE:0006B4EC)
Form = 0x12345||-FeralGhoulRace

  • Combining modifier (+). Placed between multiple forms you want to combine. This will make the expression only match NPCs who have ALL of the forms.
Give a form to NPCs who are simultaneously Feral Ghouls  and Report Crime in Diamond City
Form = 0x12345||FeralGhoulRace+CrimeDiamondCity

Only one modifier can be used in a single expression.
None of these are valid:
Form = 0x12345|-FeralGhoulRace+DiamondCityLocation
Form = 0x12345|CrimeDiamondCity-FeralGhoulRace

Level Filters
A list of comma-separated expressions with numeric ranges that allows you to filter eligible NPCs by their leveled properties, such as NPC level or actor values.

Form = 0x12345|||LevelExpression,ActorValueExpression1,ActorValueExpression2,...

Only one Level Expression can be specified.
Providing multiple Level Expression will cause SPID to only recognize the last one.
In the entry
Form = 0x12345|||5/10,7/12
only 7/12 levels will be stored. 5/10 will be discarded.

Supported Values
Level Filters allow you to match NPCs by the following criteria:

        Value                 Expression
  • Level                 min/max
  • Actor Value      ActorValueInfoID*(min/max)
*ActorValueInfoID is the FormID or EditorID of an ActorValueInfo (eg. FireResist [000002E5])

Ranges Syntax

  • Closed range (min/max). Match values between min and max, including min and max.
  • Half-open range (min or min/). Matches values starting from min and to infinity :)
  • Exact value (value/value). Matches exact value.
Give a form to NPCs who are at least level 5
Form = 0x12345|||5

Give a form to NPCs who has 50 in Destruction skill level
Form = 0x12345|||FrostResist(50/50)

Leveled Distribution

Whenever a Distributable Form defines a Level Filter it becomes a part of the Leveled Distribution. Unlike regular distribution, Leveled Distribution checks levels and/or actor values of all loaded auto-leveled NPCs and checks whether they've met requirements of the Level Filter. This happens unless either other filters discard the NPC or a random chance check would fail.

Trait Filters
A single expression that allows you to filter eligible NPCs by traits, such as gender or teammate.

Form = 0x12345||||TraitExpression

Supported Traits

  • Female
  • Male
  • Unique
  • Summonable
  • Child
  • Leveled (Is PC Level Mult)

Give a form to females
Form = 0x12345||||F

Trait Expression Modifier
By default, Trait Expression checks whether an NPC has given Trait, but this behavior can be changed with several modifiers.

  • Exclusion modifier (-). Placed in front of a trait. This will invert the trait and make it only match NPCs who does NOT have that trait. 
Give a form only to not unique NPC
Form = 0x12345||||-U

  • Combining modifier (/). Placed between multiple traits you want to combine. This will make the expression only match NPCs who have ALL of the traits.
Give a form to all non unique male NPCs who are also adults
Form = 0x12345||||-U/M/-C

Note that, unlike other filters, Traits actually support mixing of expression modifiers.
So you can do this
Form = 0x12345||||F/-U/L/-S

Note on Templated NPCs

Templated NPCs are those that inherit their attributes from another NPC, that is referred to as a base template. Filters always check the final NPC that is created after merging attributes from NPC and its base templates.

Additionally, String Filters and Form Filters allow you to target specific NPCs using EditorID or FormID, including IDs of templates that they derive from.

Count or Package Index
A numeric value that is interpreted based on associated Distributable Form.

Item Count

When Distributable Form is an Item, this section is interpreted as a number of items that should be added.
If this section is empty or absent Default count is 1.

You can also specify a numeric range as a Count and let SPID pick a Random Item Count to distribute from this range.

Give a single pulse grenade (default count 1)
Form = PulseGrenade

Give 3 pulse grenades
Form = PulseGrenade|||||3

Give somewhere between 10 and 20 pulse grenades
Item = PulseGrenade|||||10-20

Package Index

When Distributable Form is a Package, this section is interpreted as an index where given Package should be inserted.
If this section is empty or absent Default index is 0.

Note that Package Index is zero-based, so the first Package has index 0.

Set Patrol package (Patrol [PACK:00017723]) as the second package
Package = Patrol|||||1

Set Travel package (Travel [PACK:00016FAA]) as the first package (default index 0)
Package = Travel

Package List Type

When Distributable Form is a FormList, this section is interpreted as a type of the Package List that should be overwritten.
If this section is empty or absent Default type is 0.

Type can be one of the following:
#              Type                                       NPC's Record in xEdit
0. Default Package List                  DPLT - Default Package List
1. Spectator Override                     SPOR - Spectator override package list
2. Observe Corpse Override          OCOR - Observe dead body override package list
3. Guard Warn Override                 GWOR - Guard warn override package list
4. Enter Combat Override              ECOR - Combat override package list
Set default package list
Package = DefaultPackageListLinkedPatrol|||||0

or, since default type is 0, we can simply write
Package = DefaultPackageListLinkedPatrol

A percentage value that sets a chance of given Distributable Form to be distributed.

Chance is a decimal value from 0 to 100. There is no limit on how small you want the chance to be (good luck hitting those 0.0001% chances though :D)
If this section is absent Default chance is 100 (e.g. guaranteed).

Give a form with a 60% chance
Form = 0x12345||||||60

Give a form with a 0.01% chance
Form = 0x12345||||||0.01

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