Coming soon™

::Currently Covered ::

All perk changes will be listed here.
*Perks/Ranks that are not noted remain nearly the same, as before and will be touched at a later state, as for many other changes, scripting and the creation kit is needed.

:: Strength

Iron Fist 
- damage has been reduced to 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% from 20%/40%/60%/80%/100%.

Big leagues 

added one new rank
- Damage has been lowered to 5/10/15/20/25/30 from 20/40/60/80/100.

*Rank 6 You now do 30% more melee weapon damage and power attacks have a good chance of crippling a limb.
(In a future version, this will include that you can slice your enemy into pieces, like you can do with ghouls now.)

Heavy Gunner 
- damage has been reduced to 5%/10%/15%/20%/30% from 20%/40%/60%/80%/100%.

Basher (demonstrated in the video)
added two new rank
- Damage has been lowered to 5%/10%/15%/20% from 25%/50%/75%/100%.

*Rank 5 - Gun bashing now has a high chance to knock down your opponent, when running at your target and you have at least 80% of your actions points. This powerful bash costs additional 40 actions points.
*Rank 6 - Gun bashing now has a high chance to knock down your opponent, when running at your target and you have at least 80% of your actions points. This powerful bash costs additional 20 actions points.

- Damage has been lowered to 15%/30% from 25%/50%.
- Energy resistance has been removed.
- Physical resistance is only active, when you have a melee weapon equipped, standing and no longer works with ranged weapons.

*Rank 3 - You have now have a increased chance(increased to 35% from 25%) to disarm your oppenent and no longer works automatically, you have to block now to disarm your enemy.

:: Perception

- Rank 4 has been removed. Unbreakable Bobby Pins just breaks the game, you will end up with too many bobby pins and makes the mini game even less non-interesting.

Rifleman (demonstrated in the video)
added one new rank.
- Damage has been reduced to 5/10/15/20 from 20/40/60/80/100.

*Rank 1 - Keep your distance long and your kill-count high. Attacks with non-automatic rifles and shotguns do 5% more damage and gain a chance to stagger opponents.
*Rank 2 - Attacks with non-automatic rifles and shotguns now do 10% more damage and ignore 15% of a target's armor.  Shotguns within a range of 3 yards deal up to 30% more damage and may destroy a limb. The chance of crippling a limb depends on the range. A shot from 1 yard will be always devastating, above that the chance varies.
*Rank 4 - Your range with non-automatic/non-scoped rifles is increased by 30% and attacks now ignore 25% of a target's armor. They also have a slight chance(increased to 7% from 5%) of crippling a limb.
*Rank 5 - Attacks with non-automatic rifles and shotguns now do 20% more damage and ignore 30% of a target's armor. They also have a slightly higher chance(increased to 15% from 7%) of crippling a limb.
*Rank 6 - Non-automatic Rifles deal, between 40 and 70 yards 15% more damage and beyond 70 yards 35% more damage.

Sniper (demonstrated in the video)
added one new rank.

*Rank 2 - Non-automatic, scoped rifles have a chance of knocking down a moving target. Shots made in V.A.T.S. at their legs, have a high chance to knock targets off their feets. 
*Rank 3 - Non-automatic, scoped rifles gain a chance to cripple your target, when using the scope. Critical Shots will always cripple a limb. 
*Rank 4 - Non-automatic, scoped rifles gain +25% accuracy to head shots in V.A.T.S.

Refractor (Completely remade)
Removed two ranks.
- Removed Engery resistance. 

*Rank 1 - While sprinting, there is a chance that the next hit you take is only a graze shot.
*Rank 2 - You can sprint faster and have a higher chance that the next hit will be a graze shot.
*Rank 3 - You can sprint even faster and have a even higher chance that the next hit will be a graze shot.

Night Person

- Removed Nightvision, as it was not really good working and activated itself from alone when sneaking. Also when used with mods that change the night, it was pretty buggy. In vanilla fallout 4 you don't even need nightvision. 

*Rank 1 - You are a creature of the night! Gain +2 to Luck and Perception between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Your sneaking is 5% better, while walking in the shadows.
*Rank 2 - You now have +3 to Luck and Perception between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Your sneaking is 10% better, while walking in the shadows.

:: Endurance

Lead Belly
- Rank 1 & 2 have their radition resistance reduced.
- Rank 3 does no longer removes the radition damage from food. 

*Rank 3 - With a filled belly it's easier to wander around. While above 95% life, your movement speed is increased by 5%.

Toughness (Completely remade)
*Rank 1 - If nothing else, you can take a beating! You gain +5 Damage Resistance when below 70% HP and an additional +5 Damage Resistance when below 35% and +25 Damage Resistance when over 95% life.
*Rank 2 - You gain +10 Damage Resistance when below 70% HP and an additional +10 Damage Resistance when below 35%
*Rank 3 - You gain +15 Damage Resistance when below 70% HP and an additional +15 Damage Resistance when below 35% and +50 Damage Resistance when over 95% life.
*Rank 4 - You gain +20 Damage Resistance when below 70% HP and an additional +20 Damage Resistance when below 35%
*Rank 5 - You gain +25 Damage Resistance when below 70% HP and an additional +25 Damage Resistance when below 35% 
*Rank 6 -  You gain +25 Damage Resistance when below 70% HP and an additional +25 Damage Resistance when below 35% and +100 Damage Resistance when over 95% life.

Life Giver

*Rank 1 - You embody wellness! Instantly gain +10 maximum Health.
*Rank 2 - You instantly gain another +10 maximum Health.
*Rank 3 - You instantly gain another +10 maximum Health, and slowly regenerate lost Health, when below 35% life.

Rad Resistant (Completely remade)
*Rank 1 - A healthy condition increases your resistance to radition. +5 Radiation Resistance when the radition in your blood is below 75%.
*Rank 2 - A healthy condition increases your resistance to radition. +5 additional Radiation Resistance when the radition in your blood is below 35%.
*Rank 3 - A healthy condition increases your resistance to radition. +5 additional Radiation Resistance when the radition in your blood is below 10%.

Aquaboy /Aquagirl
- Removed radiation immunity when swimming in water from Rank 1. It just made no sense, why on earth you get immun to radiation, when swimming.
- Removed waterbreathing, you can no longer submerge infinitly, but you can hold your breath longer now. 

*Rank 1 - You feel like a fish in the sea. You can now hold your breath longer when you are diving.

Chem Resistant
- Removed Rank two, so you can still get addicted to chems, instead of spamming them without downsides.

Adamantium Sekeleton
- reduced effect to 10%/20%/30% from 30%/60%/ Limb Damage Immunity 

Solar Powered

*Rank 1 - Catch some rays! Gain +2 to Strength and Intelligence between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
*Rank 2 - While you are relaxing in the sunlight your wounds will slowly heal until you have at least 35% life.
*Rank 3 - While you are relaxing in the sunlight your wounds will slowly heal until you have at least 50% life.

:: Charisma

Lone Wanderer
- Damage Reduction reduced to 5%/10% from 15%/30%
- Bonus Damage reduced to 10% from 25% 

:: Intelligence

- Reduced Stimpack bonus healing to +5%/+10%/+15%/+20% from +10%/+20%/+30%/+50%
- Reduced Radaway bonus healing to +5%/+10%/+15%/+20% from +10%/+20%/+30%/+50%

:: Agility

*Note: Pistols were not completely covered by this perk in vanilla Fallout 4
added one new rank.
- Gunslinger now covers all pistols. No matter if they are automatic or not. 
- damage has been reduced to 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%/30% from 20%/40%/60%/80%/100%.  

*Rank 4 - Pistols now do 20% more damage and their attacks made to the arms of an NPC can disarm him.
*Rank 5 - Pistols now do 25% more damage. Their attacks to the arms of an NPC have a much better chance to disarm him, and may even cripple a limb.
*Rank 6 - Pistols now do 30% more damage. A critical hit to the arm will disarm your opponnent. A critical shot with a pistol will always cripple a limb.

added one new rank.
- Commando will now cover automatic rifles only and no longer pistols

*Rank 3 - Your automatic rifles now do 15% more damage and have a chance to cripple a limb. Hip fire accuracy is improved even more.
*Rank 4 - Your automatic rifles now do 20% more damage and gain a chance to stagger opponents. You can now knock down Humans/Animals/Ghouls while they move by shooting their legs.
*Rank 6 - Your automatic rifles now do 30% more damage and have a greater chance to stagger opponents. You can now knock down Super Mutants and Yao Guai while they move by shooting at their legs.

- added a new feature, you can knockout your enemy with a baton. (Ragdolling will be added later on, as this needs script changes in the paralyze script.)
- Removed mine trigger immunity, as it removes a part of the game to be aware of random placed mines. You should always watch your steps.
- Silent running, has been moved to Rank 5 and has a limitation, as this is a really strong feature.

*Rank 1 - Become whisper, become shadow. You are 5% harder to detect while sneaking. You can now knockout humans with a baton power attack from behind.
*Rank 2 - You are now 10% harder to detect while sneaking. You move more silently, while not having a or rifle or heavy gun equipped.
*Rank 3 - You are now 15% harder to detect while sneaking, and deal 10% extra damage when attacking the target from behind.
*Rank 4 - You are now 20% harder to detect while sneaking. You move more silently, while not having a or rifle or heavy gun equipped.
*Rank 5 - You are now 30% harder to detect while sneaking. Running no longer adversely affects stealth, when no rifle or heavy gun is equipped.

Action Boy / Girl
added two new rank.

*Rank 3 - Adrenaline rushes through your veins. Your Action Points regenerate additional 100% faster, when below 35% life and in combat.
*Rank 4 - You move 5% faster in combat when your action points are over 80%. You gain additional 10% movement speed when your life is below 35%.

Quick Hands
- Reloading speed is only in combat reduced.
- Reloading costs 50% less Action Points in VATS, down from no costs, so you have to plan your actions better

- Reduced bonus damage to 15%/30% from 25%/50%.

Mister Sandman
- Reduced bonus sneak damage to 5%/15%/25%

- Reduced range bonus damage sneak multiplier to +0.25/+0.50/+1.00 from +0.50/+1.00/+1.50. 

:: Luck

Better Criticals
- Reduced bonus critical damage to 25%/50%/100% from 50%/100%/150%

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  1. Nightsyrk
    • member
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    When will this be implemented?
    • supporter
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    Heyoo, long time user of this great mod but havent updated it in awhile, and i realize there isnt any info I can find on the difference between Better Perks, and Better Perks expanded on the page here? 
    1. awesomegye
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      The FOMOD Installer says it.
      Better Perks covers Agility, Perception, and Strength Perks.
      The other perk tweaks make up the enhanced version.
  3. Phyhtheaux
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've noticed some incompatibilities with AlwaysAPerk ( Having them both "freezes" leadbelly and action boy. It also throws perk levels out of whack at tier 2 for most perks.
    1. Pannekoeke
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      This is explained by the author of AlwaysAPerk. Something the lines of how AlwaysAPerk only modifies rank 2 of the perks, and therefore causes a conflict with mods that change perks as a whole, like this mod, and thusly locks out whichever ones are affected. Can't use them both.
  4. ButtleRubbies
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I'm having trouble with perks they are not showing up as shown above. Depending on what load order I have them in the Icons for some of the perks switch to a white generic vaultboyand I cant press alt or ctrl to see the higher and lower levels
    Do you still need the regular Better perks.esp installed with Better perks-enhanced.esp.
    1. Viymese
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah, I just noticed the same error. I'm going to be just pushing the BLD Perks to the top of the load order (as high as they can be at the most.) and seeing if that'd fix the problem. I'd suggest you experiment with the Load order as well.


      Even with it at the top there are still some bugs with it. used Start Me Up to get to level 300 off the bat, couldn't spec into any of the better perks bits.

      I also have an issue with them redoing my Perks everytime I reload. That may be another mod, but as far as I know this one is the only one that messes with perks in my load out so far.
    2. cowork
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I'm also having the same trouble with all perk mods. I think it's fallout itself.
    3. Zzyxzz
      • premium
      • 1,985 kudos
      You have mods that edit the same perks. I'm not sure why, but you can not overwrite the same perk several times.
    4. Psyash
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I'm still having this issue... the only Perk mod i have is free local leader. Gunslinger, commando and rifleman are whited out and require level 62. any idea what the issue might be?
    5. xHEINZx
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      It happened to me when i was using vafs redux with the all dlcs patch plugin activated. Turns out vafs redux install its own patch plugin above its esp in load order. when i force down the all dlcs patch plugin down below vafs redux .esp the ghost buged perks became correct.
      I think youre missing a patch or its misplaced. or youre trying to load incompatible mods with no available patch 
  5. Muginn1724
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    so im confused about these values? they dont seem to match what i get ingame, i do not have any other mod that changes the park system at all O_o.
    it seems to me like its more in-line with what you have shortly in your main mod page description, is it supposed to be that?
    im confused.. which one is it? ... im using "better perks - enhanced" and i tried both of them anyway, the other one just seems like more perks match the vanilla.

    also why did you change rooted to only work with melee weapons?... strength is not only about melee you know.. (is there any way i can edit this?)
  6. minefreake200
    • supporter
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    Is there a way to disable the gun damage multiplier from ninja? It breaks immersion for me and i only need it for meele.
    1. Zzyxzz
      • premium
      • 1,985 kudos
      Get xEdit and edit the Ninja Perk. It's very easy to use.
    2. loner85
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Sorry to necro, but in a limited sense it shouldn't break immersion. Imagine: You're a tough ass raider hanging around with your boys, still sorting the loot you robbed from a surrendering settlement - and suddenly somebody shoots you in the back, catching you quite literally with your pants down. You're in a relaxed state, completely unaware, and therefore not under the pain-threshold-increasing effects of adrenaline. You'd feel this much, much more than if you were in the rush of a combat situation.

      It also simulates the fact that if you, the player, are undetected and have the target in sight, you can pick where you're going to shoot, maximizing the lethality of the shot.

      So yeah...that's what you need to consider in order to judge the stealth gun damage multiplier.
  7. Spartex
    • supporter
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    A heads up to everybody enhanced perks will cause issue if you also have the Immersive Gameplay mod installed, regular version of better perks however won't cause issues.

    Hopefully this will help anyone that has the same issues I had were a lot of perks just showed as the strength training perk in the perk chart.

    Ignore above after more investigation found out it was an issue with load order, set Immersive Gameplay as low as possible in load order.