Red Rocket Interior

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  1. deleted21706164
    • account closed
    • 38 kudos
    Your design and decorations are fantastic. Just the duct work and wiring and the debris on the floor makes this really unique. I looked through your other photos and they're all alive and dense, great stuff.
    And I recognize where, like, 2/3 of this stuff comes from (mod-wise). Are there any hidden gems people should know about? Cheers!
    1. ithrian
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Thanks for that great feedback mate. Well, i don't have any special hidden gems i can think of..mostly are pretty popular mods. I'll post a screen of my settlement section in NMM if you want? Otherwise, if theres something you want or wonder about...point to a screen and i'll find out wich mod the objects belongs to!
    2. deleted21706164
      • account closed
      • 38 kudos
      Well that's gracious of you!
      I noticed a lot of great posters and papers in your shots, for example, the fourth shot from this set:
      Are those all just from "Signs of the Times"?
      Also, I'm curious about the standing terminal next to the power armor station in these shots.
      I feel like I'm about to plunge into the settlement section of Nexus again now. Cheers!
      P.S. I just found this set of yours: I don't think I'll ever top that chem crafting area and the office, great stuff.