Fallout 4
Closer camera for rideables

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One of my biggest complaints towards mods that add rideable mounts to Fallout 4, like M's Riding Giddyup Buttercup, is how extremely far away the camera is. It's a fun mod to mess around with, but the extreme camera distance makes it too impractical to use as a serious alternative to fast travel. Luckily, I finally managed to find a way to edit the camera distance: fVertibirdVanityModeMinDist. This is a line in the configuration file that determines how close the camera can be in third person when riding in a Vertibird (and there's a similar line, fVertibirdVanityModeMaxDist, which obviously controls how far it can be). By default, it's set to 975, but by changing it to lower values I was able to make the camera closer. In this screenshot, I have fVertibirdVanityModeMinDist set to 375, as opposed to the default 975. This is why this is just a raw screenshot instead of the typical example with a fancy angle and the UI disabled and such; I wanted to show a clear example of exactly how close the camera is with the value reduced from 975 to 375.

One unfortunate side effect is that after changing the minimum distance, I was no longer able to zoom in or out - I was stuck with that specific camera distance. However, there is another line, fVertibirdAutoVanityZoom, that has the same default value as the minimum distance (975) and changing that value to match the minimum distance might restore the ability to zoom in and out. I'm not sure, I haven't tried it yet. Obviously all of these changes will affect Vertibirds as well as rideable mods that use the Vertibird riding functionality, but I never use Vertibirds so I don't really care how it affects them. If you frequently use Vertibirds, you might not want to mess with these settings. The results could be unpredictable. Still, if you're someone like me that has always wanted to use mounts in Fallout 4 but couldn't get over the extreme camera distance, I suggest giving this a try. You can easily find all of the lines mentioned in Bilago's Fallout 4 Tweaker by searching "vanity" in the filter, and mess around with their values until you find the perfect camera distance for your preference.

If you're curious about my DEF_UI preset, it's a slightly modified version of Celthium's PUBG preset, which you can find here: https://rd.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26980 My edits are very minor, all I did was change the scale of a few aspects.

1 comment

  1. jaketheartist
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    Thank you so much Tukster, this put me on the path to editing that camera. Bilago's didn't work for me because I'm using MO2, so I just added the lines you suggested with the INI editor tool inside MO2 because it created a profile-specific INI. I have the auto and min values the same, and am able to change the camera zoom. I know this is a 5 year old post, but it helped me! So thank you again.