Fallout 4
Return of NOTES

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Using the PipboyTabs Framework mod by Neanka to reintroduce the NOTES tab back into fallout 4.

-Currently lacking a way to remove the Misc item versions and turn on the new versions. Basically a way to detect if the original item is present (from formID List )and if so set a corresponding Global BOOLEAN (from another formID list) to true permanently so until someone can provide such functionality all the new versions would be present at all times. *Contact me if someone gets that working*
Having that functionality would allow me to fully re implement this since I could then change the original MISC items so they wouldn't be seen by the player but still be in their inventory. Basically ghosting them. :)


  1. OrangeShade
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    That's awesome! Removing clutter out of the misc section is much needed. Would this work on notes added by mods as well? Hopefully there will eventually be a way to get rid of keys without a sorting mod, too.
    1. Electrosus912
      • member
      • 36 kudos
      Sadly as I said, Neanka only added the ability to add new tabs, and while the Misc item can be remade in as a Note for the new tab *As I am working on* the original item will still clutter the player's inventory.

      If I was skilled in the scripting/Quest aspect I'd be able to make the necessary script/quest to do the special purging of the pesky misc item versions. This functionality has been detailed in the description of my image for anyone with said skill willing to help re introduce the NOTES tab proper.

      Maybe even provide assistance with another project I've been testing, currently allows for 3,276,799 of a certain item to be transferred to and from the player's inventory *without issues* that fallout 4 was originally lacking. *Cough* Bottlecaps Item *Cough*