Fallout 4
Stalker Armor Progress Update 2

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More progress on my Stalker Suits mod.

Was aiming to release it around yesterday or so but it's grown large enough and changed scope to the point that it needs a lot more troubleshooting and testing.

My current major issue is with armor addons and the "default" version of an armor. Namely I put these nice ammo pouches on the armored mesh as an upgrade, but it's caused around half of all armors to spawn/manufacture without the base "no pouches" addon, and therefore no body model. Just a void.

Anyway me and my brother (main beta/alpha tester) have had a few other big problems you guys are kind of lucky not to have had to deal with. Like, "replace all the armor you made earlier" problems.


  1. deleted150604
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    This is released as-is here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32398
  2. Barschun
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Hmm, you said the mod grown large enough to change the scope. So what is the new scope of the mod now, like for example more customization of the armors?
    1. deleted150604
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      Well, it was initially just going to be some reskinned vanilla armor, but I've had an easy enough time making edits that I'm kind of planning on making a few more texture and mesh/addon variants. I already have the pouched version I mentioned and the pictured balaclavas.

      I already have the default suit, an armored version, and an envirosuit/MOPP version. I was kind of thinking of making a second armor tier that resembles the exoskeletons from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. as much as possible, and possibly a few items to support a Boston Police, SWAT, or perhaps BADTFL version.

      I am also debating whether to stick with armor alone or whether to make some rookie/bandit jackets and hoods to go with the set.

      Aside from that I'm going to have to make a few variants for different levels of integration for the people that don't want it in spawnlists or as part of factions, and an armorsmith extended patch if I can figure that out.

      When I have the most basic finished version I will upload it as a pre-release like I did with my Skyrim armor mod, as it'll allow me to get better input.

      Sorry to be so long winded.
    2. Barschun
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      • 3 kudos
      Thanks for the detailed description, it's simply awesome that you have such great plans with your mod.
      I didn't expected that you would expand your mod like that and now even more looking forward to the release. :3
    3. Cetochtli
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      • 3 kudos
      good to know the scope is getting wider, i´mm really hyped to see stalkerlike" armors around the commonwealth, think about the hazmat suit as a good under suit if you consider to add more armors to the mod,could i suggest a versión that add new npc´s for specific armors? (loners, bandits, mercs, etc...) hehe
      the best of lucks in these and in any future projects!
  3. Cetochtli
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    omg this looks awesome! always wanted to have some stalker armors in F04, just saw your images and i can say this is some serious Project, also saw that you are having some problems here and there, but i´m confident that you will work it out,
    so, i have a question, (hate to be that person) but it´s fair to expect a Xbox versión sooner or later?
    1. deleted150604
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      I have no idea how exactly that would work, but I'm not averse to doing it if it's simple enough.