Fallout 4
Animated T-60 Targetting Array

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  1. HadToRegister
    • premium
    • 195 kudos
    I like that you can use either eye.
    The people who play a character that's blind in one eye will appreciate that option.
  2. JimmyRJump
    • premium
    • 242 kudos
    It's a beautiful thing. I don't mind the targeting device sitting on either side, but like Dnxyken said, the most logical would be to keep it over the right eye.
    1. Thirdstorm
      • premium
      • 582 kudos
      *nod* makes sense, I have a weird compulsion to provide options, it's weird ;)
    2. Dnxyken
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      I love options too. My game crippling mod addiction can attest to that. Just don't get too obsessed with it. What you have is good and you don't need to make a bunch of options for everyone. Oh, unless you can do a new mesh and animation with a targeting array that has an comically large telescoping lense that juts out of it. That would be a great option. ;)
  3. Dnxyken
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    I would say for compatibility issues and the fact that the vanilla headlamp light source has been seen to be finicky and be placed at the feet when turned on, messing around with the head lamp and meshes and everything would be more problematic than it's worth, and doesn't really interest me very much, personally. Since the t-45 and T-51 always had the targeting array on the right side (Excited for an animated version of the T-51), and the player character is a right handed shooter, along with the majority of shooters (since there's no left handed shooter animations), it would make sense to keep the targeting array on the right side regardless.
    1. Thirdstorm
      • premium
      • 582 kudos
      I mean to have either option available to the player to choose from, there are a few mods that swap the animations from right to left etc, so might be handy and "might" not be too much work.