Fallout 4

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  1. deadpoolf11
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    I can't wait to be Mei and laugh as I impale people with ice! Looking sick and very much looking forward to this gun!
  2. Warl0cke
    • member
    • 25 kudos
    I hope you don't get banned for this, Niero; I'm pretty sure they have rules against mods this blatantly sexy.

    I've loved railguns since Quake 2 (back when I could still aim straight). Can't wait to try this out.
  3. l1ft0ff
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Thrilled to see you give cryo damage a bigger presence in the game, but I gotta say it...Ice lacks the magnetic properties for magnetic induction to be a cost-effective method of propulsion. Still, it's Fallout, where physics have no meaning, so what harm's done that wasn't done a long time ago right?

    Looks fuckin sick man keep it up
    1. Niero
      • premium
      • 6,206 kudos
      A wizar...I mean scientist did it.
    2. l1ft0ff
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Speaking of wizards...I'm sure you get people pitching suggestions all the time, but might you perhaps consider giving a similar treatment to the tesla rifle some time in the future (the "reverse-engineered and refined" treatment)? I'm a freak for lightning weapons so it'd be nice to have more of those. Although I'm guessing if you even were thinking of that it's not a high priority thanks to the recent LAER weapon. In fact I was considering learning how to model so I could do a "reverse-engineered and improved" crylolator but more or less ditched that after hearing about this.
  4. Crilbus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Gorgeous, but will i be able to get this on my xbox one aswell?
    1. dantalionex
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Pretty much all of his mods are on xbox so this one shouldn't be an exception hopefully.
    2. Cobolt66
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Unfortunately the break action didn't hopefully this will.
    3. GoodnightEngland
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Can we just wait until it's out? I play on XB1 as well, but if I was being inundated with requests before I'd even released the mod, I'd start to get a little pissed off. Just wait and see.
  5. JetKeno1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I love the cryolator, and I love this.
    I was thinking, will one of your future mods be an all-purpose weapon? I loved how you could make the Ruger into a rifle, but I use it mainly as a sidearm. I was wondering if you will ever make a rifle mod that could be converted to fire the majority of ammo types (5.56, .45, 4mm, 10, so on ), to be able to make it a smg, rifle, sniper.
  6. DaBoMbRmAn
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    If the people at Bethesda had any intelligence at all they'd have Niero on permanent staff, if only for the ideas he brings to the table. You my friend have a gift! Great job and thank you for all the hard work, It is very much appreciated.
  7. devanroth22
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Slick design
  8. dalvorn131
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Love the work, Neiro, thanks so much for sharing.

    You could say it looks pretty.... cool. >_<

    As this is your project for April, any hints about future projects while we wait for this beauty to be finished? Maybe another concept-art related one like:


    Or are they new like this Cryolance (awesome name for it, btw)?

    Thanks once again for the great designs and hard work. <3
    1. Niero
      • premium
      • 6,206 kudos
      I was thinking something Western/Mojave themed, but otherwise I'm still undecided. It will definitely be armor/clothing though.
    2. cr1m50nph0en1x
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      There already is a good ranger armor released along with its Elite variant (one of my personal favorites)... Since that has already been done, and you may want some inspiration for something Mojave or western inspired, perhaps something based on Joshua Graham a.k.a. the Burned Man or a Native American/Salt-Upon-Wounds themed armor. Considering the modularity of your armors, I am having trouble picturing a cowboy like armor that would suit your usual style and doesn't look too similar to the Handmaiden. Wasn't Daniel from Honest Hearts also serving as a missionary? Maybe some kind of preacher-cowboy combo armor? Anyway, love your work and looking forward to whatever you come up with!
    3. tgpomy
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      In light of your thoughts on doing something Mojave themed- I'd love to see your take on the NCR Ranger tbh. With your trademark customization, oh boy...
    4. dalvorn131
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      A ranch hand duster (the ones with the rain flaps on the shoulders, such as a Sheriff outfits from FN:NV) isn't in the game, and would make sense for someone coming in from the desert that is the area out by Nuka World. A techno-duster or rugged, survivalist style one (I hate to say it, but a... lone wanderer :P) would be cool. Maybe even an old General's Overcoat (like the pre-war ones, from Fallout 3 and NV) as a base. I like it.

      Something Vault-Tec related would also work, like the one I linked above. There's no really "heavy" or "hazmat" related vault gear, despite how there SHOULD be considering the circumstances, which is why I think the artist drew that piece of concept art in my original post. Could add an overcoat to that, as well, and make it seem like something a western drifter dug up from the wastes. Or, just stick with a forgotten prototype model that never got delivered to the vaults (not cost effective, after all) and let it be shiny.

      Anyway, just some random thoughts - take them as you will. Whatever route you go, I hope you have fun cooking up whatever you're in the mood for. Can't thank you enough for all the work you're putting in - some of these are so damn good I hope Bethesda asks you if they can make them cannon. ;)
    5. Sempiternal115
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Maybe something like this ? To company your intimidating Coursers ? https://docs.google.com/document/d/15O5zIy1sfOTZq48wIZeSpyxYLaHhGRSeN6Ovixhdfyk/edit
    6. RageRonin
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      If you're doing a Western/Mojave themed armor, consider making your own take on the Desert Ranger/NCR Ranger riot armor. The one currently on the Nexus looks aged and directly ripped from New Vegas and has absolutely no cloth physics to speak of (which is my main lure to them and to your longcoat armors - seeing them tatter and sway in the wind/movement).

      Also, will there be legendary inworld placed versions of the Cryolance, Niero?
  9. Thinggyblop
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    damn that looks NIIICE by the do you have any plans of doing a combat kind of armor or assault suit because that would be nice aswell only a suggestion though.
  10. Z0UK
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Holy sheet this is the most brilliant design since PlasRail and your fantastic mods are the reasons I keep playing FO4. Can't imagine what gorgeous projectile effects will be seen!