It Can Happen To You

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  1. ThisMalkavian
    • premium
    • 120 kudos
    f*#@, love this monkeyman!)
  2. carnagefiend
    • premium
    • 222 kudos
    Jesus f*#@, your nvidia/enb settings are sharp as f*#@ these days. Fuckin' bravo man, seriously.

    Has a strange, Silent Hill vibe to it. Something ethereal about it, unhinged and displaced.
  3. Match_1
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
  4. Bennzoor
    • premium
    • 204 kudos
    Looks like the Pint-Sized Slasher finally grew up!

    Wonderful shots. The colors are amazing.
  5. User_19634119
    • account closed
    • 45 kudos
    Furiosa Finally meets her match, let the Games Begin.

  6. Hangman1975
    • member
    • 79 kudos
    Bravo! Excellent creepy-show.
  7. Heresthewolfman
    • supporter
    • 45 kudos
    Mask is the Pip Boy mask from The Headpiece Dispatcher with a custom retexture to wear it down a bit and add some detail. Creepy as hell; f*cking love it and the rest of the mod

    BONUS: Made the texture while hanging out on a Last Level Press livestream, so I decided to mess with Kinsmarck a bit ('cause it just fit too well) and made an absolutely terrifying texture for the mask out of his face.