Fallout 4
PerpetualBeta's Oppressor Dog Armor - WIP 02

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  1. deleted21706164
    • account closed
    • 38 kudos
    In that last one you can tell that he's still smiling like a doofus under that mask.

    Just a question, as I'm probably not the only one in this boat: AWKCR, Raider Overhaul, and Super Mutant Redux are, like, cornerstones of my game. Will the new versions/spin-offs of these be able to be installed/updated in the middle of a playthrough/save game? Or are these so far-reaching that they warrant/require a new game?

    Either way, thank you (and the team) for all of your work!
    1. Thirdstorm
      • premium
      • 581 kudos
      Sorry for the delay, hard core adulting had to be done.

      1) AK Update we've been working hard to make sure this should not impact current users, other than providing a deeper framework for texture swaps being seamless and easier for casual modders to use. We build into (or created from scratch) the Object templates the MODCOLs for color swaps so as people add new texture mods they can be easily "plugged in" to the existing framework.

      2) SMR:
      I rebuilt the ESP from scratch more than once (hence the long delay) and the same should be true, there are a "handful" of exceptions, for example the SuperMutant Helmets, I made Light/Medium/Heavy versions of all of them (in some cases more than 3 variants) and they have a "Index Reset" as a result. It won't require a new save, but until the index resets (NPC Reset or modifying at the workbench) the helmets will be invisible.

      3) RO:
      Same, infact a good deal of what is being cut from RO and spun into it's own larger mod is because of how much is changed.
      The Red/Yellow/Brown Flight Helmets have between 3 and 5 variants each, (aka ArmorIndex reset as like the super mutant helmets above) and working with Gambit77 the decision was made to do do Indexed ArmorAddons instead of "new" armor records, because then you don't loose anything if you choose to uninstall the mod, the FormID's remain the same, while we add a stupid amount of new content.

      The spun off content is going to have a couple "parts" to make it modular, and allow both some light usage (no or close no no armor index resets) to a fully new experince.
    2. deleted21706164
      • account closed
      • 38 kudos
      Excellent, thank you for the thorough reply, and for making such awesome stuff so easy to work with. Cheers!
  2. captainlnsano
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    Now THAT'S some real dog armor!
    1. Thirdstorm
      • premium
      • 581 kudos
  3. kraag
    • premium
    • 69 kudos

    Just need to stick a fusion core somewhere and we got some kick ass dog power armor!
    1. Thirdstorm
      • premium
      • 581 kudos
      I want doggie power armor, want a slightly heavier set, some power conduits and leg armor but dig it.