C96 and Ithaca M37 textures Update

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  1. Is this still WIP? Hope it's still alive
  2. SusonoMusubi
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    That Broomhandle is so nice, fug me. Too bad we'll never see it released =/
  3. Ted1Mosby
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Oh man, please release all those glorious weapons in a pack, my mod list can only take so much.
  4. siomina17
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    OH my god fantastic and beautiful variants . I cant wait for the launch these weapons in to the nexus. Especially the pistol. Look gorgeus.
  5. Alepap
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    Release already!
  6. MrAws0m3
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    you should have an optional 9mm ammo from the 9mm pistol mod for the mauser, maybe as a different reciever
  7. zman1998
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Also,will the M37 have a "stakeout" variant?
  8. RuinsFate
    • supporter
    • 29 kudos
    Since this seems to be getting raised: Please either don't use the scripted reload, or make it optional. As much as I'd love to have proper shell-by-shell reloading, that script is fairly buggy thanks to trying to make the game engine do something it doesn't wanna do. Your work looks absolutely amazing, please don't let an imperfection like that drag it down. :D
    1. covadonga
      • member
      • 329 kudos
      Hi fella, don´t worry, scripted reload its not planned at all ;)
    2. shavkacagarikia
      • premium
      • 680 kudos
      Of course its up to author to use reload script or not. And there isnt only one such mod, if you say "fairly buggy" about my mod, then you definitely havent tried it. And I hope you understand that game engine isnt a human being to want to do something or not, it will do whatever its told to do.
    3. Ryesia
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Unfortunately "fairly buggy" is right. I have those mods that rely on it reload without the script triggering all the time.
    4. shavkacagarikia
      • premium
      • 680 kudos
      Unfortunately I dont get what you wrote
    5. Ryesia
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I'm saying RuinsFate is right, but I don't blame your mod, I blame the game engine itself. Seriously I have scripted reloads that still play the full reload animation sometimes even though the clip isn't fully empty. That's all I'm saying.
  9. HybridGrizzley
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    That scope makes me want a receiver mod that makes it shoot lasers (or red plasma) and a muzzle brake to turn it into Han Solo's DL-44 (Also why does it have stripper clips when it's using a detachable box magazine? I know that would still be an option IRL, but why bother?)
    1. Littlepip2299
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Because they'd have to make two separate animations for one gun, and come up with a way for the game to recognize it needs to play one animation instead of the other. Not easy to do with this game's scripting the way it is.
    2. covadonga
      • member
      • 329 kudos
      Well, no, I want the C96 to be the more versatile as it can be but sticking to realism as well. I want give the player the possibility to play both with an 8 rounds clip and with a detachable magazine, also, i think that you´ll be glad to have a 20 rounds magazine when using the full auto receiver don´t you?
  10. MightyPotoo
    • BANNED
    • 4 kudos
    If the Ithaca 37 won't have scripted reload, I'm gonna have to kill something.
    1. zestoflemon
      • supporter
      • 672 kudos
      So you'd rather have it play the wrong reload, then hang for a second before playing the correct reload each time you press R?