Fallout 4
Chem Break aka Custom Piercings Test

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  1. MissMorose
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    He's looking great - and the ear piercings are looking very cool, but I think the nose piercings are my favorite. ^^
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      Yeah I really love a good nose piercing, I want one myself (the 2nd pic is my fav kind). I just need to figure out how to make it conform to the head better, I had to really move them around in blender to fit my guys nose. D:
    2. joeeffect
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Whatever happened with this? Is it simply impossible to make work with animations? I am so confused as to why one can't edit replace of add to the in game ear and nose textures like I have seen done in mods for the hair and eyes. Why do ears animate at all? So dumb. I have 1/2" tunnels and left nostril ring it's the most irritating thing about charater customization for me.
  2. biancabellalove
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Those look amazing. Especially those stretchers. *drools* Wicked work!

    Just curiously, any progress at all from anyone in terms of making the piercings conform to faces? I did read through the comments. As a fan of your piercing mod for Skyrim, I am dying to get my hands on your F4 piercings! It just doesn't feel right that my self character doesn't have a septum like I do in real life.

    Side note: I realize if things were progressing there would be more to show for it, like a beta for testing or something of that nature. Don't think of me as silly in that regard. But I thought it couldn't hurt to ask given how much time has passed since the last post in here.
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      But nope sadly no progress has been made, I can find no information anywhere about making them conform to the face and since that is a huge issue I can not start working on anything I would release.

      I was just searching a week or so ago about it. ):

      I am sadly currently not modding at all right now, so it will be a long while before any piercings of mine get done. If I could figure out how to do the conforming it might be enough to bring me back to put out the mod.
    2. biancabellalove
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Dang! What a shame. I'd love to be able to help but my knowledge of modding basically extends to installing them. And maybe editing an image on PS for a texture or clothing or whatever. But it's rare I feel the need to. I've done it once in the last 5 years.

      I really hope some light is shed on the conforming! It's such a bummer as you are a great modder and your body mods would make an amazing addition to the game.
    3. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      I like to think as soon as its common knowledge there will be modders do body mods alot, piercings are pretty popular is these post apocalyptic worlds.

      So here is hoping someone figures it out, me or otherwise! *crosses fingers*
    4. biancabellalove
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Me too! Best of luck with it all! Can't wait until the day it's available.
  3. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Thanks for leaving the instructions here, I finally got around to giving it a whirl and removed the bracer from the leather right arm guard like I've wanted to for ages.
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      *modder fist bump*

      No problem glad it helped some people out, while its not perfect it at least works.
  4. Dovahkin72
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The piercings and stretched ears looks awesome! I was hoping you'd do something like this for FO4 ever since we talked about it in your Its a dogs world mod.

    I'm guessing this mod has similar problems with the one you made in FO3?

    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      Nope it all works 100% better then in FNV/FO3 and even Skyrim, the only issue is no one knows how to make them conform to faces yets so there is no way I can release any piercings before that is figured out.

      Currently it only fits my characters face, no one else would be able to use them if I released now lol.
  5. imAarwyn
    • supporter
    • 935 kudos
    These would be fabulous!

    As a lover of tattoos and piercings this would be the perfect mod.
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      Still waiting for people to figure out how to make head items conform. ):
  6. femshepping
    • premium
    • 1,340 kudos
    !!! This looks awesome! I've been hoping someone would eventually do something like this! <3
  7. emkeystaar
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Wow. I would KILL for those piercings on my character. They look absolutely awesome. <3

    If you make ever make this into a mod... Do want!
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      I am considering it, I figured out one of the issues I was having so now the ears work with the head texture right.
      Now its just onto making them conform to the heads, right now it only fits my character's face.
  8. dragbody
    • supporter
    • 1,215 kudos
    Hi nivea!

    I see a lot of discussion from friends on how to import stuff to FO4. I have to admit, I don't like FO4 enough to bother with this process but I desperately want someone to help me change my mind!

    As of right now, I can't play the game anymore because I find that no faction is worth alienating all the others. Also the settlement building in-game feels so weak compared to what will be possible once the GECK is released. And the Minutemen make me want to either shoot myself or all of them.

    Please give me some reason to get over all this and start modding FO4. If I can't find it, I'm going to have to keep playing and modding NV
    1. Please don't do it anybody! I want Drag to stay with us, in game that allows to create normal complicated dialogues, has roleplay system, skills and real faction choise.
    2. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      Waaaah I dont like any of the factions to much right now either, I just avoid them. But I DO like the followers a huge amount they did put some effort into them and I appreciate that, alot.

      But I admit that FO4 is no FO3 (which is no FNV), its a fun game to wonder around in and enjoy the feel of, but its not something I can see myself giving up FNV for. I can understand it all lol.

      I think I would reserve judgement until GECK comes out and go from there, Skyrim help no interest for me sadly, I modded for it and then went back to FNV. I see the same in my future, I want to finish the vanilla story line and judge after that. There is little RPG in this RPG, again like Skyrim.

      Now if someone could get a some what easy import (and rigging) for blender going I would mod for both games no problem. Even if its just like Skyrim.
    3. dragbody
      • supporter
      • 1,215 kudos
      Yes, I'm so on-the-fence about modding for FO4, that I can't bring myself to learn a new program to mod it. If FO4 was mind-blowingly awesome, I would gladly adapt and learn Max over blender, but it's not.

      It's somewhat like being between the proverbial rock and hard place. FO4 is superior to 3/NV in many ways and thus makes playing NV seem like taking a step back. Creature animations, gunplay, power armor implementation, and all areas of visuals are greatly improved in 4. But the factions, story, role-playing element, replay value, UI... I just feel no connection to this game.

      I hope GECK and DLCs change this.

      In the mean time, I have a small mod I want to cook up for NV... a little something that makes Raul appear more like his voice actor ^_^
  9. vojteek
    • member
    • 27 kudos
    Even in the post-apocaliptic world you can't get rid of hipsters.
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      Hey man I been into that style BEFORE there where hipsters....

      Actually the ear piercings where for my Skyrim dark elf, I made them to be much more tribal before converting them into Fallout 3/FNV. They where made of wood, bone or stone instead of metal or plastic.

      Style is subjective though, but hipster beanie is from vanilla game so you can blame Beth for that one. <3
    2. Hipsters? Don't talk about things You don't know.

      This is NOT hipster style, it's usual alternative/hardcore subculture style. Many of my friends looks just like that IRL lol.
    3. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      Alot of people seem to think tattoo and piercings = Hipster, I am not one of them but what can you do.
      All I know is that I have had a thing for them since I was a child (10ish, so in the early 90s) after I saw a guy walk by with cool tattoos and stretched ears.

      The hair well I enjoy dying my own hair and I was mad that there where comments made in the opening character creation that said purple hair but there was no purple hair wtf.
    4. Oh sorry wrong answer column
    5. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      Yeah I hear you can get a free student version, but I dunno if I qualify for that or not. I am interested in these kinds of things so I might try it out, but I dont have a ton of time to learn a new program either. ):
    6. Actually I worked in 3dmax a bit, and I hate it's interface. It's heavy and very uncomfortable as for me. F4 is not that shiny diamond that would make me endure this. I feel nice in New Vegas, there is still lots of mods to play and unlimited capabilities for creation.
  10. Cruz011
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    Awsome work Nivea. and thank you very much that you share you secret with us, that not self-evident. i think i had to start work around with the bodyslide outifit studio. teoretically i can also use 3ds max to edit the head or the body. you use blender also only for edit the obj, nothing else?

    thanks again and ENDORSED!
    1. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      Yes, though editing the head mesh will pose a probelm since you will loose all the animation stuff built into them (I tried) but for the body you should be able to edit.

      Yeah I made those all in blender (scratch meshes) but I also edited some vanilla hats as well, I exported them as .Obj using Nifskope (you could use the outfit studio to do that) and just imported them straight into Blender.

      The tricky part is learning to do rigging (weight painting) in Outfit studio, you have to set the body/armor/hat you want to copy the weights from as the Reference first then load your .Obj and right click on it and hit copy bone weights.

      I dislike all the hush hush going on with this stuff, so I wanted to post my learning.
    2. Cruz011
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      ah i understand its the same like doing the skin wrap in 3ds max. copies all the bones and weights. cool thank you very much.

      have you thought about porting your stuff from new vegas like the spice of life mod?
    3. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      Eh most of that is from FNV assets, so I could not legally do it. But there are pieces I have thought about at least remaking for FO4, it all depends on how the blender plugin goes and what plans Beth has for paid modding.
    4. As I know there will be NO paid modding because of Beth FO4 legal (there is clearly written that EVERY mod should be FREE).

      But I'm almost sure that there will be no Blender scripts through as there is no ones for Skyrim. Developers don't want to do them, thay want to see LOTS of tits and ass made by 3dsmax modders, but noo they don't want to see stuff from awesome modders who use blender (Drag and others).
    5. nivea
      • premium
      • 1,113 kudos
      Yeah I a was pretty sure Beth wrote that for Skyrim too, that all mods should be free. I dunno I feel like they didnt learn there lesson and instead are waiting for a fresher game to test it on. We will see.

      As for Blender at least I could still get the meshes from Skyrim in blender and do all the work there, maybe when nifskope is updated fully to work with FO4 it will allow that to happen too? Other wise its going to be a long till I release anything as I will have to learn how to use 3DMax. T_T
    6. I'm not going to learn 3dmax (not telling about it's price lol) because of F4. This game doesn't worth it.