SPAS-12 Teaser

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SPAS-12 is on it's way!!!   \(OvO)/

looking for some guys to do texture options!    just PM if interested :)


  1. JumpMan117
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    just wanted to know if there where any updates to this and hope you are doing well. Been loving your mods !
    1. GaigeStorm
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      No current updates but it's not dead. Bad time of the year for free time. You know how it is
    2. JumpMan117
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      I hear ya man ! I have to say though your Rem92 Lever Action Shotgun is awesome and I look forward to it's release
  2. Darkai125
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm looking forward to trying this mod.
  3. JumpMan117
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Just wanted to see how you were doing hope you are having a great 2019 so far!
    1. GaigeStorm
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      yeah its been busy but could be worst. how about you
    2. JumpMan117
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Been pretty good loving the spas you made in New vegas. Hope it's a good busy
    3. GaigeStorm
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      • 302 kudos
      It's iffy but yeah i'm fine. If you're liking the SPAS i uploaded a new weapon for FNV last week.

      It's like a SPAS but smaller. also includes a special variant and new mission.
    4. JumpMan117
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      ill try it out!
  4. JumpMan117
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Hey GaigeStorm,

    Just wanted to see how you were and if there have been any updates on the spas 12.
    thanks in advance!
    1. GaigeStorm
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      Yes I have some good news. Zestoflemon the guy who does the amazing Battlefield animations for many guns on Nexus has accepted my proposal. He will be making BF4 SPAS12 animations sets for it. There will be semi and pump animations so the whole weapon and most requested features will be professionally done. Zestoflemon won't be able to hit the project yet as he's got life stuff to sort and he's working on another project. But when development does start I'll update everyone as best as I can
    2. JumpMan117
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Happy to hear that!!!
  5. FallingDevil
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    A very promising mod, Will definitely be added to my load order upon release!

    Any Chance of a solid stock Or folding stock with Armhook Attachment?
    1. GaigeStorm
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      There will be a few stocks. A hard stock will be there as well as a M1014 riot stock. I've seen people put those on Spas 12s before and it looks pretty neat. My fallout new Vegas version had to different variations which included the arm hook and one without it. A lot of people didn't like the arm hook since it cluttered the screen in FPV
    2. FallingDevil
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks For Replying! Any Chance Of A scripted Reload now that you have someone doing Animations for the Gun?
    3. GaigeStorm
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      The scripted reloads I'll have to see about. Some want the feature although buggy and some don't. Me and Zestoflemon have the full reload and a break 4 reload to shorten the reload time in replacement of the scripted reload. There's still some planning to do so I'll have to think about the scripted reload.
  6. JumpMan117
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Just wanted to know how's it going GaigeStorm?
    hope all is well!!
    1. GaigeStorm
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      Been flat out lately so haven't had much time to get into the project
    2. JumpMan117
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      all right just making sure you are ok thar's all. how is that new tool by the way?
    3. GaigeStorm
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      New tool? Sorry I'm a bit dumb today
    4. JumpMan117
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      My bad
      I thought I replied you mentioned something called "Substance painter "
      has that made texturing a lot easier for you?
      and I saw the high quality weapons you made for Fallout 3 they look great!
    5. GaigeStorm
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      Oh yeah. Now I remember. Yeah the program is great but it's difficult to get them looking like they do in the renders because of fallout's out dated texture and material blending. Other then using bump maps and gloss maps and such fallout tries blending all that into one speculate map which makes it difficult to get into game looking good. After the texture is made there's a lot of tampering needed to get them looking right in game
    6. JumpMan117
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      • 13 kudos
      I see thank you for taking the time to explain, but i can understand. guessing you have to tamper it in order for it to not lag, frame drops or any other performance issues when it's being used in game
  7. JumpMan117
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Have you talked to Millenia?
    he has the textures !
    1. GaigeStorm
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      He won't answer anything sadly. Hard bloke to get a hold of
    2. JumpMan117
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Well I looked at your vid textures not bad!! I hope it does come out love the gun and You are doing a great job man!
      and you probably already have but have you maybe talked to DeadPool2099 for the pumpaction animation? he as an amazing hunting shotgun with a pump action animation. worst case maybe he could recommend someone?
      I hope I am not bugging you about it just trying to help out how I can. I love this gun and it sucks so many have come close to making it then stop for some reason or another :(
    3. GaigeStorm
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      I appreciate all the help I can get. I can try this other bloke for animations but I think I have the texture part sorted. Got Substance painter now and it's an amazing program for doing gun textures.
    4. JumpMan117
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Happy to hear that !!! looking forward to it :D
  8. Zonzyuh
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It's great to finally see a Spas mod coming to fallout 4, I look forward to see it in action :)
    1. GaigeStorm
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      There is action! I've uploaded a video of it. Just find it in my videos on my profile page
  9. zachtan1234
    • premium
    • 608 kudos
    Hi GaigeStorm. Might I recommend you might try sending a texture request to DanteRedfield? He is known for really good texture work.
    1. GaigeStorm
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      Not answering sadly
  10. Winterworld19
    • member
    • 49 kudos
    Hey nice work on this spas weapon. Have you consider contacting wardaddy for custom animation like the one he used on 870 shotgun? This may fit for your weapon mod spas.
    1. GaigeStorm
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      WarDaddy wants nothing to do with it. Like everyone else "has to look better". I really don't get what looks have to do with animation
    2. Littlepip2299
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      It "has to look better"? They said that? That's just snobby, for shame. It looks just fine.
    3. GaigeStorm
      • premium
      • 302 kudos
      Yeah they said that. It's sad but nothing you can really do about it.