Fallout 4
V's Community Art

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This user's image description contains 8 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. napoleonofthestump
    • premium
    • 543 kudos
    Whoa, it's here- the shrink-ray worked! These look great. Thanks so much for welcoming me into this project alongside these luminaries of the medium. These are all neat screenshots. As to whether or not I think they all make for good wall art, well, read on...

    I'll start by hollering to say please include lots of images from AGreatWeight and AntaresParallax, even if you have to cut some of my own stuff to fit in more of theirs. They both very successfully avoid the sort of kitschy 'gamey' images which, while real popular, might not look as good on a wall inside the game-world in the context of in-universe furniture and decor. That's not entirely my own personal taste talking (especially as someone who has posted entire image sets of big green monsters and robots on fire and even has a bona fide Woman In Impractical Non-Armor on display in this very art gallery). I just ask myself 'what would look nice in a femshepping house next to one of V's own beautifully cobbled sculptures?'

    It might just be me, but I very rarely find in-game images of obviously in-game images appealing in-game, if that makes any sense. There's something especially disconcerting about many figural images when they appear alongside their models in the game world. A lot of that I think boils down to texture (FO4 skin nearly always looks like something other than skin, no matter how slick the normal-map painting is), lighting (to compensate for that basic specularity and minimal sub-surface scattering some creative lighting tricks need to be utilized- which most people don't), and shape (FO4 limbs are oddly proportioned and bend all kinds of wonky, and even the most skilled face-sculptors can only do so much without Skyrim-style tools). Subtle post-process in Photoshop can help make a figure image 'pop'/'work'/'etc.' but I tend to find more obviously 'shopped effects to be less than appealing.

    Of all the images here, I think the two I'd actually put on my digital wall are the very effectively simulated photograph of the zeppelins, and the night scene with the crazy planet. (I'm also rather fond of what you did with my triptych, but my opinion is clearly biased!) Here's why: While the zeppelin composition is, well, non-existent, that actually adds to the sense of authenticity of the image as an old-timey photograph. The layering work there is really subtle and clever. Only thing it's missing is a bit of granularity to really give it that 'blow-up print of an old negative' feel. The planet image is to-the-millimeter perfectly composed. It also has an overall filmic texture to it- the edges of the shapes inside the frame are effectively downsampled/anti-aliased/blurred so they're not too unrealistically sharp, and the colors have a unity to them that you see in professional work. The content is pure pop- it evokes a serious sense of 70's sci-fi- but the quality is such that the image doesn't fall into kitsch. Both of these pictures would look great above mid-century modern furnishings, askew on the wall in a messy dorm room, propped up on a pile of artificial limbs in a raider den, etc.

    Several of the others are almost there. The Nuka World and fenceline shots don't have clear or balanced focal points, but their textures, colors, and shapes are pretty interesting. Maybe crop them so that some one shape stands out and/or mash 'em up into a diptych/triptych/quad/whatever to compensate. The black and white image of the couple going to the Hotel Rexford is close to being good; I can see it wanting to look like a still from a 40's film noir, but the lines are too crisp and the textures and lighting too flat to really convince. Film grain, an aging filter, some tinkering with the curves/levels, or maybe a different shot from the same set with a composition that's a little fuller would all do the trick. I'm not real keen on the robo-babes, including my own woman in red, on account of my aforementioned beef against figure shots and techno-kitsch. The rest of the shots might not exactly appeal to my personal aesthetic, but I can appreciate that they do what they do effectively (i.e. strong composition, clear focal points, readable from a distance and at a reduced size, thematically appropriate to the setting, etc.)

    As for the frames- I like 'em! I like how some are just the canvas and others have slightly chunkier frames. Canvas thickness seems about right. I know it's more work, but I'd love to see your found-object style approach to frame creation. Distressed wood, tool handles, sticks, spoons- there's so much crap out there to be cobbled together into some seriously hipster-groovy creations. You're the master of classy repurposed objects, so I trust your sculptural aesthetics implicitly.

    Anyway, I'm just one person, and this is just one opinion (even if it is TEH ONE AND ONLY CORRECT ONION!!1!one!!) so take my words how you find 'em and do your thing. Thanks again for putting this together; it really is a kindly thing to do for the community. Whatever choices you end up making for the final set, I'm sure they'll result in a super groovy mod.
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      I appreciate ALL of your feedback...thank you for taking the time. The biggest thing I struggled with while looking at images, was what would translate to a settlement house - some futuristic Institute/Vault style and some for a scavengers hut. In general I've had to avoid images of people's characters (so painful - some so beautiful), images of the creatures of FO4, and just images with too much desolation. I didn't want to modify the images, if I could get away with it, just because I want to honor the original as best I can. I'll be honest, I love the woman in red - she is mesmerizing to me..that's the benefit of making the mod! I get to see what I like as well. Since this was my first test, I tried to have a variety of images - landscape, characters, cityscapes, day/night, futuristic and country-house style. This is definitely part of seeing what works well and what doesn't and none of these are the final product, so feedback is helpful.

      The current framing were just place-holders. Frames I've made for previous art in my other mods. I have plenty of ideas for making frames to compliment the art they are going with and have been brainstorming cool ideas from corrugated metal to fence pieces, etc. I am looking forward to it!

      Any more suggestions of other image authors (as I can't keep up with everyone) is welcome.

    2. napoleonofthestump
      • premium
      • 543 kudos
      Thanks, V. Always nice to get a glimpse into the creative process of another. And I'm plenty excited to hear that you'll be bringing your signature touch to the frames!
    3. deleted21706164
      • account closed
      • 38 kudos
      What? Did someone say my name? (N o' da S, you make me blush!)

      Just to toss in my (really late) two caps: I agree with N o' the S's expert opinion, as it would be difficult to translate a lot of excellent "screenshots" into excellent "in-game pictures/posters" simply because they have too much going on or would seem out of place. However, I think the selection you have here all avoid that and work great in their own ways, in particular...

      1) Napoleon's triptychs as you have them framed are absolutely perfect for this. The presentation looks like something from a Swedish apartment, or like they were stolen from the walls of a waiting room in some ruined downtown building. Also, N's narrow, uber-letterboxed photos would be great too, if you wanted to add some additional shapes into the mix. (Like these.)

      And, 2) Sachmet82's photos (in my amateur opinion) fit the bill really well, too: they're expertly composed with simple, stark subjects, and their use of PRC's/FW's shaders and effects makes them appear weathered and nostalgic, which I think is perfect for old-ass pictures on a settlement wall. These are the one's to go to if you're trying to have a matching color scheme in your shipping container studio, or if you roleplay that Preston was eviscerated by mirelurks but you still want to honor his memory in a classy, melancholy way.

      I love that you've undertaken this project: not only are these going to look wonderful in game, but also I think you're doing a real service by drawing attention to some incredibly talented (and oft-overlooked) artists in the community. (Not me, though: I pretty much just take pictures of trash fires.) We really appreciate all your work Vronykah!
  2. User_19634119
    • account closed
    • 45 kudos
    Lovely presentation , looks like i wasnt paying attention again but if you feel you can add in then feel three to dip into my pics, wheneveryou like.
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      Thank you kindly! I will send a msg, just so I have permissions all in one tidy place!
    2. User_19634119
      • account closed
      • 45 kudos
      Yes of course , Thanks.
  3. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    This is a great idea and think the images are fine. Taste is so personal so its hard to really come to any single rule of thumb. I play my game one way and others play it another. I know me and a few friends love the game but play it, and see it, very differently, Consequently the most I think you can do is provide a variety of images for different tastes.
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      I agree with what you said about taste. Even simple things like I rarely build the institute style homes, but many people do and so on. Variety is my plan and I'm glad you think the images work. Thank you for your contribution as well. I dare say some on this site might like images of Jonathan up on their wall as well!
  4. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    This gallery is simply awesome. You did a wonderful works with community art ... really worthy to decorate walls
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
  5. GearBoxMan
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    Seems like a neat idea.

    A little bit disappointed I didn't see any of my work.
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      I'm disappointed too! I have just scratched the surface of all the amazing artists available. I've gotten permissions from a few to give it a good test run. I will definitely be looking to add more image artists as I get more into it! I know that I've both endorsed and commented on many of your images, so I'm quite sure there are some I'd love to add. If you would, send me a msg with your permissions, or I will get to it, as I start to ask more image artists.

      A little bit disappointed that you didn't endorse, oh well.
  6. MagdalenaA
    • supporter
    • 118 kudos
    This looks very impressive and the idea is fantastic.

    Thank you very much for including my work
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      I remember not long after you first started sharing your images for FO4, seeing this image and wanting it on my wall....this was this first time I started thinking about this idea. Thanks for the inspiration and lovely images.
  7. JimmyRJump
    • premium
    • 242 kudos
    I'm gonna need a bigger house.
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      Sorry, not sorry!
  8. deleted18837759
    • account closed
    • 105 kudos
    I like how you added other people's images . I've never seen anything like this before! Well done.

    This is one interesting mod. I would definitely love to have them in my game ! <3
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
      Thanks...that's good to know!
  9. lidertz
    • supporter
    • 161 kudos
    This looks really amazing! Like the concept and nicely done! ^^
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos
  10. Reaper060389
    • supporter
    • 151 kudos
    Wow thats very impressive and awesome good work.
    1. vronykah
      • supporter
      • 137 kudos